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What pushed the Big Bang to happen? Quantum Fluctuation? What triggered that? Energy-time uncertainity? Or momentum-location uncertainity?

But how did time, momentum or location exist before the Big Bang?

14 Answers

  • 2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The big bang is the expansion of the universe and is still visibly in progress. Sometimes the phrase big bang is used to mean the “start” of the expansion.

    (One should not confuse the big bang with a possible origin of the universe. There is no evidence for or against the universe having an infinitely long past.)

    The answer to your first question is "dark energy".

    Because the universe is expanding at an increasing rate against the force of gravity, it is assumed that there is an energy causing the expansion. We have labeled this as "dark energy". In this case, "dark" is used to express the fact that we know almost nothing about this type of energy other than its quantity.

  • 2 years ago

    enter philosophy,we must.

    what.whom/ caused the appearance of a tiny point of infinite density,then order it to rapidly expand crate predecessor s of elements then coalescing into simple elements,getting progressively complex,heavier elements,then into suns,,all matter created following the same rules

    like the art in the vatican seen for the first time by 2 welshmen

    ;;suren Im thinken,someone took a lot of time to do all this!'

    ay, hootman,,,they were good at it too,specially all th wallpaperin'

  • goring
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Basically everything that happens in the Universe is synergistic and obeys to law of conservation

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    GOD made the universe. The "Big Bang" never happened.

    Source(s): Christian and the Bible.
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  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    No scientist or group of scientists has yet come up with a full answer.

  • 2 years ago

    If the big bang was the first event, it could not have had a cause because that cause would be an event itself. The first event must be uncaused. Time itself did not exist before the big bang.

    It doesn't make sense because our concept of time breaks down close to the beginning. No one knows what concept replaces time.

  • Paula
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Well ...

    probably god did it.

    But then ...

    What pushed the god thing to make god happen?

    And I must say it is a bit annoying.

    The guy that was there,and watched the big bang happen did not take any pictures.

    And his verbal explanation of what happened is unintelligible.

    That is understandable at least.

    Because back then the "scientific method" had not yet been invented.

    And ...

    Neither time, momentum nor location existed before the Big Bang. They all came into existence with the big bang, along with energy. Matter was formed from energy soon after the big bang.

    So time started with the big bang, as did space - the 3 dimensions in which we live.

  • 2 years ago

    It was a Quark of Nature

    Source(s): I took that from the ancient Oracle known as the App
  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    There's many, many ideas about what caused the Big Bang. The ones you mentioned are among the possible causes.

    There's a series of really good and technical documentaries on Youtube that look into this issue. They produced a (so far) 8-part series on various theories about the cause of the Big Bang. Here's the first part in the series:

    As for what caused a quantum fluctuation? There's nothing that causes a quantum fluctuation, it just happens randomly.

  • 2 years ago

    Physics laws. repulsive gravity + quantum fluctuations

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