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Caught in between my wife and my friends - what can I do?

My wife and I have had trouble conceiving due to an issue of mine (delayed ejaculation). My two best friends, however, seem unable to stop conceiving - one has recently had his third and the other got pregnant on her honeymoon. This has understandably made my wife jealous and now she is saying it will be too difficult to be around them as they keep asking "when will you guys be having kids?" However, she also says she does not want me to tell them to stop as this will invite them to ask why and she does not want them to know "our private business". Fair enough, but now how do I manage this? Go to meet them on my own and keep on lying to my friends about why my wife (whom they all love) is never there, or force my wife to go and watch her get more and more uncomfortable and depressed around the happy families and probing questions? We are still not pregnant btw. When I ask her how she wants me to handle the situation, she responds "I don't know" and the shuts down and changes the subject as it is obviously a sensitive area and I don't want to push it any further, but at the same time I want to sort this out somehow.


Just to update and answer the question a few people have asked: yes, I AM currently attempting to sort out my condition. I have been medically checked out and it is all normal so I am currently treating it as psychological.

22 Answers

  • Tara
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Tell your friends that you / she does not intend to have kids right now -- and the reason why is personal business that you do not care to talk about it to anyone - and act like you are displeased talking about it …. a sensible person will leave it alone and not bug you both about it any more.

  • 2 years ago

    Ask yourself one question: "Who is more important to me, my friends or the woman I vowed to spend the rest of my life with". Whenever anyone asks you when you'll have kids, be blunt and to the point: "None of your business." Be it your Mom, your Dad, your friends, anybody - whether you and your wife have children is between the two of you, no one else.

  • SW-6
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Just be honest so you will not have to remember the last lie you told. Sit them down, tell them you are have trouble getting pregnant (no detail needed) and that your wife is not comfortable being out and about currently (no detail needed). Maybe limit your time with friends and spend more with the Mrs. to get you both more comfortable with the situation, more assured of your commitment and feelings with child or without. Good luck :)

  • 2 years ago

    Friends are friends but your wife has to have the highest priority in your life. You must stop asking her how to deal with this situation. You deal with it in such a way to avoid making her further unhappy but keep your friends at the same time. Keep the status quo and be supportive of her, especially considering this is a matter caused by you. I'm not blaming you or anything, but it's a problem created by you, willingly or not.

  • 2 years ago

    Is your ejaculation delayed or do not have any at all? You might try to have a couple of orgasms and see if that would produce enough? Have you ever tried to milk yourself after you ejaculate?

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I am familiar with delayed ejaculation. It can mean you are unable to ejaculate. It can mean it takes you an extremely lengthy time to ejaculate. The cause can be physical or emotional.

    Some men masturbate to the point of ejaculation and then have intercourse.

    What does your Physician say? (I trust if this issue is upsetting to your wife that you've sought medical help.)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Tell your friends it’s a sensitive subject for her and not ask questions about it. I don’t have the issue of not being able to have kids of my own though, i’d be the friend on his third child

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Honesty is going to be the best thing here.

    Let your friends know you are having trouble conceiving, don't go into details, and ask for their understanding. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and telling them in general terms will stop them from being so crass as to keep asking when you will produce a child. They really should never have asked to begin with, and should have picked up on the fact that you haven't.

    Do go seek out a repro specialist. And let your friends in, or you aren't in a healthy relationship with them at all. Friends can supportyou through things that would otherwise be unbearable, and while your wife may want her privacy, if these are true friends, they will be on your side no matter what.

  • drip
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    If you wife can not be around other couples who have children, then she needs therapy.

    Of you both want children Get a doctor who will help. One who work with both of you.

    As far as friends are concerned if they ask when you will be having kids. Bluntly say when we are expecting we will announce it, until then you don’t need to keep asking,

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Personally I had never heard of delayed ejaculation, so I had to look it up. Am I wrong? Can you still ejaculate? How about when you masturbate? Do you find it easier to masturbate and ejaculate? If so, then maybe you can impregnate your wife after you have ejaculated. If this does not please you, then another idea is a surrogate. Are you under a doctor's care for your condition? If you have not gone to the doctor, then you should go to see if the doctor can learn why you have this condition. If the doctor can figure out what is going on with you, then maybe the doctor can resolve this issue for you.

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