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ChicaChica asked in PetsDogs · 2 years ago

What s the naughtiest funny thing your pet/ pets have done?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My horse nailed my ex in the face with her tail when he forgot and lit up a cigarette in the barn. I rewarded her big time, told her how good she was to remind him no smoking near hay bales,

    My brother gave me his dog when he moved to Europe, as she couldn’t go with him. He neglrct d to tell me she was a kleptomaniac and would go from neighbor to neighbors door and steak things like mail, package, things left out on or near the front steps. Imagine my sueptixe when I went to put new hay in her dog house and found some fifty plus packaged and a ton of advertising mail (not the us mail but the ads thet sre plwced and the fliers thst are placed on the doorknob ... above or under the mailboxes). This same dog made her way to the small convienance store and helped herself to some snack treat or a jerkey strip then sneak out quickly. They caught her on camera .

    Now your thinking bad owner! You shouldn’t have a dog. So tell me what would you do? Choice 1. Keep the dog inside the house at all times, never ever let her outside for any reason, build her a toilet area in the bwdement to use so she never escapes. Choice 2. Electrify our 8 foot privacy fence that’s around the dog yard. It already has a coyote roller system above the fence, metal or concrete 12” below the fence line in the dirt. Choice 3. Rehome the dog again.

    The dog gets out about 5 times a year. She now wears a where am I type gps that alerts us when she leaves the property. We know she gets out from the fence but in the past 2 years we have not figured out how other than she goes up and over. No broken or weak areas, all the trainers assure us no dog could jump an 8 foot 9 inch roller fence but she does. The store (gas station) and our neighbors all know about Pepper and they are okay with her occasional raids.

  • 2 years ago

    I have an extremely well-trained Newfie now but when I first adopted him at a year old I left the room for a moment and he ate my entire breakfast in less than 30 seconds. It was two poached eggs, bacon and an English muffin with cream cheese on a plate on my coffee table.

    I went to bathroom and came back and the plate was right where I left it. It was perfectly clean and he was back in his dog bed like nothing had happened. I did, however, see cream cheese on his muzzle when I went over and looked at him. He's the only dog I've ever met that doesn't have the guilt gene. I asked if he ate my breakfast and his tongue came out and he looked at me like "It was DELICIOUS!"

  • 2 years ago

    Not naughty, but very funny.

    My gentler cat would jump up a few inches above the ground to the bottom bookshelf, and she'd very gently bat my Pembroke Welsh corgi on the nose without claws, to keep him from trying to wrestle her. Highly intelligent, my corgi tried, one time, to respond the same way, with his front paw. The problem is that a corgi's front paws do not extend beyond their nose! He was at a severe disadvantage in this totally play fight. It was hilarious.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Stole an entire five pound frozen chicken.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    happened with a dog I don t have anymore: We came home to find green pawprints all over the rug, and a dog with a green mouth and green paws. Followed the trail to find a puddle of green and a chewed up, maker (Crayola non toxic) She hadn t swallowed any thankfully.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    I've always supervised my dogs so I have no naughty stories. I do have three, both involving GSDs,different dogs.

    1 - My dog was with me, left her in the car (in the winter) while I went into a hardware store. I was at the cash register when a teenager came in and asked me if I owned a GSD. I said I did. He said my dog had his friend pinned against my car. I ran out, the cashier ran out - the teenager had opened my car door according to him for no reason, opened his car door, tried to coax my dog in, and my dog started growling. Teenager was afraid to move so he had to come into the store to get me. The security tape showed the teenager reaching through the partially opened window to unlock the door from the outside.

    2 - Took my dog to the Vet, put her in the car, went back in to pay the Vet, came out - and she had stepped on the door lock on the console and locked me out. This was before you couldn't lock a car with the keys in it, the keys were in it, I had to call the AAA. I found myself outside the car talking to the dog like you'd talk to a child. "Please, just walk back over the console."

    3 - Was inside my house, heard the barking, ran outside and discovered that the meter reader had - for whatever reason - JUMPED my chainlink fence, was in my yard, my dog had him cornered against the house. Not a mark on him, and she just stood there and growled. Why would anyone hop a fence that has a sign that says, "Dog on Premises?" I have no idea.

  • 2 years ago

    For me, it's with a dog who my family had who has now unfortunately died who once pinched a load of ham.

    A female cross between a red Irish Staffordshire bull terrier and (we think) a Rhodesian Ridgeback. This occurred because we got her from a friend of my dad's, after the dog mistakenly got out one day and came back pregnant.

    My mum had opened a brand new pack of ham and used 2 slices of it to make sandwiches for my dad to take to work for his lunch. She saw him out and then came back in. As she did, there's the ham packet on the floor, completely empty with the dog licking her chops!

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    When he was only a few months old him and his sister got into a bottle of Tums® and ate damned near the whole thing.

  • 2 years ago

    Jello wrestling in the living room.

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