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My sister thinks I m high but I ve never done drugs in my life. Help?

My pupils are really wide right now, but I don t think that s evidence of anything. She, on the other hand, has jumped to the conclusion and demanded to know what I ve been doing all day.

She went to pick up her husband and warned me that my eyes better "look like that" when she gets home too, because I told her my eyes always look like that.

I m panicking. My parents are away so she s the one responsible for me, and she thinks I m high and I don t know how to prove to her that I m not.


4 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    You cannot prove a negative. If you're not high, then don't stress about it. The more you stress about it, the more guilty you look. If your parents or sister say anything else to you, just shake your head in disgust and say calmly I've already told you I've never done drugs, if you don't believe me then that is your problem. Do NOT get worked up over it. Stay very calm and look everyone in the eye when you say it. You cannot Make people believe something. They either will or they won't, and that is NOT your problem.

  • tammy
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Who cares

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Offer to do a drug test if she pays for it.

    Tell her if she won’t buy a drug test, yet she still slanders your name to her parents or friends, then you’ll sue the sh*t out of her in court for defamation.

    Conclude by saying, “either put up or shut up. Either buy the drug test so I can prove I’m clean, or shut the heck up. If you defame me and lie about me, there will be legal consequences period. I do not use drugs and I won’t allow you to claim that I do without proof”

  • 2 years ago

    You on any medications? Sometimes they can cause your pupils to dilate.



    Tricyclic antidepressants

    Motion sickness medicines

    Anti-nausea medicines

    Anti-seizure drugs

    Medications for Parkinson's disease

    Botox and other medications containing botulinum toxin

    Atropine (used for myopia control and other medical purposes)


    Other than that, have her smell your clothes. If you were smoking, it would be on your clothes for sure.

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