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? asked in Food & DrinkCooking & Recipes · 2 years ago

I’ve just made a terrible homemade soup but don’t want to waste it, what should I do?

So I am a 25 year old male and I have had a really bad cold in the last few days. So today, I googled a recipe for a certain type of “Cold Resistant Soup”, right? But after I sunk a bunch of time into making it after buying all of the the ingredients, it turned out all wrong! I even cut corners since I didn’t find everything or wasn’t willing to shop at more than two places. It actually does seem to help my cold alot, but it really is a stomach churning abomination, is there some way I can save it or at least not waste it? I feel silly for messing up something as easy as soup! 🤦‍♂️

14 Answers

  • IvaB
    Lv 5
    2 years ago

    Soup is not as easy as you thought I presume.There is only one thing to do with a "churning abomination" -(your words),and thats' to throw it out.Experience aside,all cooks have their disasters once in a while.A missed ingredient,overcooking,whatever,stuff happens sometimes.Chalk it up to experience and learn something from it.Move on,throw it away and take whatever lessons you can learn from it and try again with more resolve,and attention next time.(did someone mention "cutting corners ?) what does that mean ? Keep trying : )

  • 2 years ago

    You haven’t explained how you’d made it to correct it. What ingredients? What steps?

  • GibBas
    Lv 4
    2 years ago

    Strain it off keeping the liquid and add the liquid to some - fried onions, carrots, celery and peppers; stir them around and add some chilli and garlic. Add some herbs of your choice, turn the heat right up and add some curry powder, stir and simmer untill ready.

  • 2 years ago

    Gosh, I wish I knew how you made the soup (ingredients). I have been able to salvage many a dishes that went wrong.

    Would adding cumin or celery seed help? If it is too watery, drain the liquid into a pot and boil it down. This will evaporate the liquid and condense the flavor. If the soup is too watery and you want to thicken it up, add mashed potatoes. If you want to add more of a tomato flavor, you can add 1/4 cup of ketchup. Yes, I know that is unconventional, but the tomato flavor can save the soup. If a citrus flavor would work, you can use citrus rind (lemon, orange, lime). If you do not have a way to shred the citrus rind, then just cut a wedge and boil it in the soup, remove it before eating. Will prepared rice give it better texture? How about adding some cooked pasta or broken pieces of spaghetti or linguini??

    I hope one of these suggestions can help save your soup.

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  • 2 years ago

    If it seems to be helping your cold, eat it anyway.

  • 2 years ago

    Feed it to a dog.

    Did you mean Thyme, not Time?

  • 2 years ago

    without knowing what you added to the soup, what you did to it there is no telling how to make it better or if it is possible.

    If all the ingredients were good, if all the ingredients go together there is no reason why the soup should not be good. It might take additional ingredients, it might take reduction or dilution but you should be able to "fix" it if you can explain what you did.

    Without that information unless you put onions in it you could feed it to the dog.

    You could strain out the solids and if they taste good make a casserole.

  • 2 years ago

    I know you feel guilty about the time and money spent on it, but since you don't like it, just throw it out. I once made a ton of soup that I didn't much like, froze most of it and never ate it. Some broth or canned soup will help your cold.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Just throw it out lol and buy a can of Campbell's lol

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Feed it dogs ,or fertilizer, fake puke ,feed the ducks,give to some street bum,freeze it and use it as burley for fishing idk ?????

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