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Cindy asked in HealthWomen's Health · 2 years ago

Period smell. Please help (tmi)?

This is tmi no rude comments please but I’m

On my period day 3 last about 5 days sometimes it smells stronger then other times it’s like Onion smell. Is this normal? Even after I shower. Haven’t been sexually active for a great while

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Perhaps it is just an 'old blood' smell

  • 2 years ago

    generally only you can smell that.

    In my 66 years on this planet and working with and knowing women from all ages and walks of life, I have NEVER ever smelled any period smell on any of them.

    YOU can smell it because when you go tothe bathroom to change pads/tampons or just use the restroom, your face is not far from your genitals.

    No one else can.

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