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Anonymous asked in Dining OutGermanyNuremberg · 2 years ago

How is saying "Go back to your country" a racist term?

How is nationality a race?

34 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    Umm I'm gonna assume the op is retarded, ig it wouldn't be racist to tell white people to go back to Europe 🤔

  • 2 years ago

    I don’t believe it is but I do believe it also depends on why it is being said.

    (For ex: if someone hates the country & is ungrateful, whether it be a European/white, black, Mexico, ect. regardless the race I would tell him or her the same thing. It’s not racist. Liberals just think everything is racist.

    Source(s): Use common sense. Look around. Liberals think everything is racist. So u can’t believe everything ur told.
  • Tom
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    ANYTHING Liberals don't like is RACIST!-------A racist statement has RACE mentioned in it. And is obvious. If you have to explain WHY a statement is "Racist" YOU are the racist.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Because you’re saying it to Mexicans and Muslims but not Melania Trump.

    And its more bigoted rather than racist. Just as bad.

  • 2 years ago

    It's not racist at all! It's just the people sticking up for illegal immigrants who say it is. They just want to make the rest of us look bad!

  • 2 years ago

    it's not! illegal aliens use racist as an excuse

  • 2 years ago

    There isn't one thing racist about that statement.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It isnt. The left has branded him a racist since the beginning and all statements he makes are seen through that lens. Trump could say he likes captain crunch and the left would call him a colonialist and racist.

  • 2 years ago

    Well it isn't when considered by iteslf

    but if you consider who he aimed that at, it can be construed as singling out someone of color, so in that sense, someone can see it as racist.

    Much more importantly

    it is quite divisive.

    Do you think there is a way for Trump to come to an agreement about US policies with someone he has said that to.

    It he does not agree with the people he said that to

    where do you think that puts the US government, since we are predicated on a check and balance system between the President and the Congress/Senate. .

  • 2 years ago

    Nationality implies a race when the nation is predominantly one race. The sub-Saharan African nations are predominantly black; so telling someone they are not wanted in the US and to go back to Africa is like say they are not wanted because they are black.

    And you knew that. So what's your point other than looking for an argument?

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