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Polycarp died a Christian martyr because he refused to accept Roman enforced Easter as replacement for the Passover/ memorial service. True?


You dudes need to read history about Polycarp!

9 Answers

  • At that time it was probably known as merely Passover/Ressurection/Day of First Fruits. It was during the 5th century religious transmutation for power consolidation of state this Christ Mass- Solar Mass, Passover- God Friday, Resurrection - Sunday Easter, intercession/veneration of saints ,Mary-Venus, changed. Thus in 5th century AD, the initial heresy entered Global (Catholic) God's Church corrupting its western part as heretic idolatrous Roman catholic sect, but eastern part stayed true as Church of East (Assyrian/Chaldean) although Orthodox sects later fell for catholic idolatry but didn't submit to Pope.

    Catholic idolatrous heretic sect comitted doctrinal corruption and chaos when they started the idolatrous practice of intercession/veneration of saints and the many lies like purgatory with which they try to defend that idolatry in 5th century AD onwards , when they left the true God's Global (Catholic) church of East and West. Now its remaining one true God's Church is the Church of East and the innumerable sects that have either abstained from your idolatrous doctrinal chaos from 5th century onwards or your uwn catholics coming out of idolatry and lies and trusting in Lord Jesus Christ so that they will have eternal life.

    They include - Early Jewish Christians, Followers of Apostle Mani of Persia, Donatists, Celtic and Gothic Arian Christians, Assyrian/Chaldean Church of East, Paulicians, Bogomils, Waldensians, Cathars, Anabaptists, Hussites, Strigolnikis and finally Evangelicals/Protestants.

    Also note that throughout the centuries Catholics branded(and still branding) all these groups as dualistic pagans heretics who need to be wiped out from face of earth… such branding (stereotyping) were less effective against Protestants, in order to fulfill the prophecy of Jesus-”You are Peter(Petros-masculine noun in Koine Greek, meaning a small stone) and i shall build my church(non feminist Protestantism) on this rock(Petra-feminine noun in Koine Greek, meaning a large mass of rock,not the degrading dead body of peter buried under Vatican as certain Catholics claim/believe)and gates of hell(Catholicism and other false religions/ideologies) will not prevail over it”.

    The Roman Catholic Church interprets Jesus here to say, “You are Peter, and upon you, Peter, I will build My church.” Peter would be the rock upon which the church is built.

    There are several problems with this interpretation.

    The first is that someone reading Matthew’s Gospel in Greek, the original language of the New Testament, would not have immediately concluded that Peter was the rock. In the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus said to Simon, “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church” (Matthew 16:18), His choice of words was significant. Though Peter’s name means rock (Petros), Jesus did not say, “You are Peter (Petros), and upon this rock (Petros-which accurately means a small unstable stone) I will build my church,instead he said you are Peter (Petros) and i shall build my church on this Petra(meaning bedrock,or a large rock mass).

    Peter’s name, Petros ,is masculine in gender and refers to a boulder or a detached stone. Greek literature also uses it of a small stone that might be picked up and thrown.

    What Jesus said to Peter could be translated, “You are Stone, and upon this bedrock I will build My church.” His choice of words would indicate that the rock on which the church would be built was something other than Peter,which can only refer to the revelation given to Peter by the most high God,that is-Jesus is the Christ(messiah), the Son of the living God in the given scriptural context-Mathew16:16-18.

    Also apostolic succession claim by catholic/orthodox sects by which they claim that authority of keys given by Lord Jesus to Peter in Mathew16:19 is transferred only to a select few leaders who have dubious claim of lineage to Peter like catholic papacy.But Lord Jesus gave this “authority of keys” to all his believers/followers in Mathew18:18. Thus this Apostolic succession claim of catholic/orthodox sects is proved to be another lie by the holy scriptures- God's eternal word for salvation of all mankind who will trust in Lord Jesus Christ- The Holy Bible.

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Let me get this straight ... The pagan Romans tried to force people to celebrate the Christian Holy Day commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and when they refused to celebrate the Romand killed them. Yeah, right. Polycarp was a holy and faithful bishop of the Catholic Church who refused to deny Jesus Christ, and was burned alive by the Rom,and as a result.

  • 2 years ago

    More likely is that Polycarp refused to recant his faith. That may be on Google.

  • 2 years ago

    No, it was because he refused to renounce his faith in Jesus.

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  • 2 years ago

    Absolutely not. Polycarp refused to give even minuscule worship to any Roman god.

  • 2 years ago

    No, the issue of Easter was whether to observe it on the same day as the Jewish Passover (Polycarp's belief), or on the Sunday before/after. It wasn't an issue of Easter vs Passover, just what day to observe it on. That wasn't why he was martyred, though.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Martyrdom of Polycarp:

    Polycarp was persuaded by his friends to leave the city and conceal himself in a farm-house. Here he spent his time in prayer, "and while praying he falleth into a trance three days before his apprehension; and he saw his pillow burning with fire. And he turned and said unto those that were with him, 'it must needs be that I shall be burned alive'". When his pursuers were on his track he went to another farm-house. Finding him gone they put two slave boys to the torture, and one of them betrayed his place of concealment. Herod, head of the police, sent a body of men to arrest him on Friday evening. Escape was still possible, but the old man refused to flee, saying, "the will of God be done". He came down to meet his pursuers, conversed affably with them, and ordered food to be set before them. While they were eating he prayed, "remembering all, high and low, who at any time had come in his way, and the Catholic Church throughout the world". Then he was led away.

  • 2 years ago

    Could be. I read that he is made to worship a false god.

  • 2 years ago

    Actually, Polycarp was defeated by Bulbasaur

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