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Lv 7

Do atheists expect God to perform in a lab at their command?

Seriously?!?! Look, you can't get ME to perform in a lab at your command!! For that matter, you can't get CATS to perform in a lab at your command. You can get DOGS to, but that's why I respect cats more than I respect dogs.

If a being would perform in a lab at your command, how could you respect it, much less worship it? I could NEVER respect a being that would submit to such inquiry. You can't honestly expect the Creator of all that was, is, and ever shall be to perform at your command like that. YOU wouldn't! Or if you would, I think you'll find it harder for most of us to respect you after that.

In case you're thinking of saying, "Then what is prayer about?" Prayer is ASKING a favor of a sentient Being. Not commanding Him to perform. It is up to Him where, when, how, and IF He will answer.

The criteria you expect, "testable, verifiable, repeatable" simply isn't reasonable when you're dealing with the behavior a sentient being. It's an irrational standard that not only will not, but SHOULD NOT ever be met.

When Jesus was asked for precisely that (Matthew 16:1 - 4), He turned them down flat. He basically said, "No," and walked away. (If the account were fiction, you would think some kind of sign would be made up, wouldn't you?) And that's what God says to those who want to test Him in a lab.

He says, "No," and walks (metaphorically speaking) away. As one would expect.

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    No. But when you believe in a being that created the universe would leave some tangible or visible evidence behind. Enough at least to throw some credible doubt on natural forces.

  • 2 years ago

    Sorry, couldn't be bothered to wade my way through your incoherent rant. I think the gist of it is that you seem to interpret our saying "Please provide evidence or proof to back up your claims that a god exits" to mean something else - what, I can't fathom.

    Please explain.

  • 2 years ago

    I expect god to perform at all.

    He does not.

    Nothing, absolutely nothing indicates that any of the thousands of stories about the thousands of different gods might be true or that any kind of god might exist.

    The problem is less your god not performing, the problem is that the story about your god is just as made up as all the other stories about all the other gods. Religions are story telling industries, they provide careers for clerics.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I think I smell troll...

    I'm an atheist and I have no expectations at all so far as “God” or religious people go. My attitude is, live and let live; believe what YOU want - you don't need to feel you have to justify it to me because I'm really not interested.

    I doubt I could get anything “to perform in a lab” - I'm an atheist, not a scientist or researcher.

    Just be cool - you believe in “God” and all the stuff that goes with it - enjoy, I won't try to stop you or even comment on it UNLESS you raise the subject with me. You really don't need my approval.

  • 2 years ago

    I believe God exists only in minds. I don't expect the Gods that exist in minds to perform in a lab.

  • 2 years ago

    I don't expect god to perform in a lab, or anywhere else for that matter. My expectation is that god will continue to do absolutely nothing and for theists to remain completely unable to provide any credible evidence of the existence of god or gods.

    If you are asking "would evidence make you change your mind?", the answer is yes, that's how the scientific method works, but I have no reason to believe that is ever going to happen.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    For atheists, there are no ' gods ' floating in the sky.

  • 2 years ago

    No, that would be silly, except we can observe you (and cats) and obtain a great deal of evidence without asking for "performance", not to mention just having you in the lab is more than sufficient evidence for your existence. We certainly can and do have "testable, verifiable, repeatable" evidence for your existence, as well as everything else that we know that is real, just as we have solid evidence for historical people and realize the difference between those that existed and those which might have but likely did not.

    It's fairly simple, the Bible records many things that would have left undeniable, lasting evidence and what it records should match what we know and continue to learn about history. The problem is that, despite what you might have learned in church, this is not the case. The best evidence for the Exodus, for example, is a pattern of speculation taken out of context and cherry picking it what it wants while completely ignoring the complete body of evidence as a whole.

    Another thing to look at is why do none of the Epistles ever refer to the events of Jesus' life? Paul mentions going to Jerusalem for a couple of weeks after his conversion, but he doesn't mention learning what Jesus taught or visiting any of the significant sites, like Calvary or the empty tomb.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I would think one of the gods would do that . You mean all of them at the same time right .

    That would be stupid . I bet all the gods together aren't omniscient because for sure

    they don't know about each other .

    And it seems like you think there's only one god in some lab .

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    No. Atheists only expect Christians to provide the proof that God exists. To date, the atheists haven't been successful.

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