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? asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 1 year ago

Fantasy Novellas?

Is there an audience for fantasy novellas? Like Lord of the rings Harry Potter type fantasy books, or am I better off trying to turn it into a novel?

2 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    To add to what Voelven said, my best-selling book is a fantasy novella.

  • 1 year ago

    I've read a few, good self-published ones on Amazon, and I believe it is becoming an eBook trend, as the format lends itself to shorter stories, but I don't think you'll find many takers among the traditional publishers.

    If you decide to self-publish, then make sure to make it clear that it is a novella, otherwise people might get upset over the length.

     A novel will probably in general sell better, though, but be careful not to fall in the trap of writing what is basically a novella with "fillers".

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