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Are ovarian cysts painful  ?

I have always had problems with painful bloating and bad period pain but i recently discovered i have an ovarian cyst that ruptured, i was in a severe amount of pain of which doctors gave me pain killers.

I have experienced a bit of pain and uncomfort since and went to get a pelvic exam which showed the ruptured cyst and another large one growing on the same ovary, i was informed that a cyst has to go away on it's own. Anyway on my most recent trip to the doctors, he seemed confused that the cyst was causing me this pain and was reluctant to give me pain killers.Are cysts normally painful? 

4 Answers

  • Shay
    Lv 7
    1 year ago
    Favorite Answer

    Get a different doctor.

    Cysts can be painful.  Most of the time, a cyst will go away on it's own.  HOWEVER - when there is clear evidence that it is not going away, then surgery may be required to actually remove the cyst.  So, find a different doctor and get another opinion on the treatment for your cysts.  It does NOT "have" to go away on it's own.  

  • 1 year ago

    My adult daughter has ovarian cysts that come and go every month and will do so until she reaches the menopause therefore doctor put her back on birth control that does help and as for the pain she was getting severe cramp during ovulation but the birth control stops her ovulating ( she was also told unlikely she will get pregnant with the cysts but she already has 2 kids and doesn't want anymore)

  • 1 year ago

    I would bet you 500 hundred dollars that I can make it go away for you. You think we may have been lied to? 

    WARNING: Do not consult these databases unless you agree not to hold the compilers or host liable for any errors or omissions. Data were gathered rather randomly from the literature on economic plants, none of which will ever be completely known phytochemically. These data were compiled by human beings, mostly Jim Duke and Stephen Beckstrom-Sternberg, from published, or rarely, personally communicated sources by human beings.

    To err is human! For any serious studies, values, especially deviant values, need to be rechecked with original sources. The compilers do not recommend self diagnosis or self medication; the compilers do urge serious studies of herbal alternatives, believing that in many cases, the herbal alternative may contain several synergistic compounds that will, in fact, do what empirical trials have suggested, as recorded in the folklore (See ETHNOBOTANY database).

    Where these biologically active compounds occur in the edible portions of long established food species which are often responsible for their medicinal uses as well.

    Evolution would favor synergies and disfavor antagonisms in such suites of compounds. If we have learned anything in the preparation of this database, it is that the levels of biologically active compounds vary widely, often one or two, sometimes more orders of magnitude. An increase in one compound from a suite of compounds is usually compensated for by a decrease in another compound(s). All plants, like all animals, contain toxins and carcinogens. Even commonly ingested food plants, like peanuts, can be fatally allergic to sensitive people., we could be dealing with promising "food farmacy" alternatives. Synergies often double the rates of biological activities, but sometimes increase them an order of magnitude or two or more. Plants usually contain synergistic suites of phytoprotective chemicals

     Cancer Super Activities for Nicotiana tabacum

    5-Alpha-Reductase-Inhibitor AntiEBV AntiHIV EC50=200 ug/ml Antiadenomic Antiaflatoxin 11.4 ppm IC50=25 uM IC50=3.28 ppm IC50=65 uM IC50=7.5 ppm IC50=8.73 uM Antiaggregant 30 uM ED50=33 nmol/kg iv IC50=0.3 uM IC50=0.72 uM IC50=55 uM Antiaging Antiandrogenic Antiarachidonate *** Anticancer Anticancer (Breast) IC50=125 ug/ml Anticancer (Cervix) Anticancer (Colon) .Anticancer (Forestomach) Anticancer(Liver) Anticancer(Lung) Anticancer (Skin) ***Anticarcinogenic Anticarcinomic (Breast) IC50=1.5 uM Anticervicaldysplasic Antiestrogenic Antifibrosarcomic Antihepatocarcinogenic IC100=1% (diet Antihepatotoxic Antiinflammatory (11 uM) IC~97=1,000 uM 20 mg/kg 20-150 mg/kg 200 mg/kg ipr rat ED 1-10 ug/ear IC50=0.1-5 uM IC50=21 uM IC50=31 uM Antileukemic 100-250 uM 5.5-60 uM IC50=10 uM IC50=25-56 ug/ml IC50=3.1 ug/ml IC50=>10 ug/ml Antileukoplakic Antileukotriene D4 IC50=21 uM IC50=31 uM Antilipoperoxidant IC67=50 IC71=50 ug/ml Antilymphomic Antimelanomic Antimetastatic Antimutagenic 250 ug/mL 250 ug/ml ID50=0.62 ug/ml ID50=10-40 nM ID50=2-5 nM Antineoplastic Antinesidioblastosic Antinitrosaminic Antioxidant 1.3 x Vit. E 1/2 BHA 1/3 BHA 1/3 quercetin 1/4 quercetin 10 uM 3,000 uM 3/4 quercetin 30 mM 4.7 x Vit. E 50 uM 7 x quercetin EC50=9-15 ug/ml ED50=2.3 uM IC24=30 ppm IC28=30 ppm IC33=10 uM IC36=10 uM IC40=60 IC44=10 uM IC47=10 uM IC50=1.2 ug/ml IC50=120 uM IC50=30 ug/ml IC50=40 uM IC50=54.2 uM IC50=9.0 uM IC51=200 ppm IC53=200 ppm IC54=10 uM IC57=30 ppm IC65=30 ppm IC79=30 ppm IC80=12 uM IC95=650 uM IC96=300 ppm Antioxidant Synergist, Antiperoxidant IC35=200 ug/ml IC50=10-20 uM IC50=36 uM IC50=44 uM IC50=>100 uM IC85=100 ug/ml Antiproliferant 10 nM 50-75 uM/l IC50=150 ug/ml Antiprostaglandin 11 uM 30 mg/day/12 wks IC50=9.2 mM Antistress Antithromboxane*****  Antitumor 10 uM 2.9 ug/ml 200 ppm diet orl mus 7 uM ckn (Bladder) (Breast) 100-250 uM IC45=60 ug/ml IC50=125 ug/ml (Cervix) (CNS) IC43=45 ug/ml (Colon) Colorectal) 500-10,000 uM (Forestomach) (Lung) IC30=60 ug/ml (Ovary) (Prostate) 100-250 uM (Skin) 20 uM (Stomach) IC26=45 ug/mlAntitumor-Promoter IC25=10 uM IC42=10 uM IC46=10 uM******  Antiviral 23-92 ug/ml 48-150 ug/ml IC50=10 uM IC50=16.2-25.6 ug/ml IC50=62.5 ug/ml Anxiolytic Apoptotic 100-250 uM 20-60 uM 60 uM 75 uM/l COX-2-Inhibitor <40 uM IC32=100 uM IC50=129 uM IC82=50 ug/ml IC>97=1,000 uM Cancer-Preventive 22 ppm Chemopreventive Cyclooxygenase-Inhibitor IC50 (uM) =20 Cytochrome-P450-Inducer Cytoprotective IC50=3 uM Cytotoxic 25 ug/mL 25 ug/ml ED50=70 ug/ml IC82=100 ug/ml TC50=200 ug/ml Hepatoprotective 100 ppm 20 mg/kg rat 6 mg/kg mus IC50=1.30 ppm IC50=5.46 uM Hepatotonic Hypocholesterolemic Immunostimulant 180 mg/man/day/orl 60-800 IU Interferon-Synergist InterferonogenicLipoxygenase-Inhibitor IC11=1.25 mM IC11=5 mM IC23=5 mM IC27=5 mM IC50=0.1-5 uM IC50=62-148 uM IC75=2.5 mM Mast-Cell-Stabilizer Ornithine-Decarboxylase-Inhibitor 400 mg/kg <10 uM P450-Inducer 5 uM PTK-Inhibitor 50-100 uM Phytohormonal, Prostaglandigenic, Protein-Kinase-C-Inhibitor 10-50 uM IC50=450 uM Sunscreen IC100=50 mg/l IC50=2.5 mg/l IC91=5 mg/l IC98=20 mg/l IC98=25 mg/l ThymoprotectivTopoisomerase-II-Inhibitor 550 ug/ml IC50=1 ug/ml IC50=1-6.9 ug/ml IC50=23-40 uM IC50=8.1 ug/ml UV-Screen 

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    YES. Your doctor is incompetent if they don't know this. I had a burst ovarian cyst once and I vomited and passed out from the pain. And I normally don't get sick and have a high pain tolerance. I suggest getting a new ob/gyn (a good female one if you can find one. Avoid male gynos at all costs imo).

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