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Why don't people know about the Sumerian text where the Bible stories come from..?

and the Anunnaki who the Bible talks about rather than god? The Bible refers to the Sky People not a God.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago


    clearly you haven't bothered to read the Bible.

    If people don't know about this Sumerian text


    how is it that you know about it?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    WHY ( provide a reason , explanation cause or purpose )  don't PEOPLE  know  about the Sumerian text , where the Bible stories come from ...?  

       definition  BELIEF a persons CONVICTION  of a proposition or allegation  to BE the CASE  / ACTUAL /TRUE without direct KNOWLEDGE

      based on this question   SOME PEOPLE do  KNOW  such as Elyse Rose  ( and others )

      perhaps due to the COURAGE to   QUESTION a  diminish gullibility and CREDULITY  and a motivation  to  investigate  also  to  learn CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS  

      investigating  HEBREW  MYTHOLOGY 

     the problem of  presented  with the plurality of Anunnaki deities for a MONOTHEISTIC   religion was resolved with the INVENTION of " ARCHANGELS " under a Single divinity  ( inspired by the Anunnaki figure "EA" this also presented the opportunity  to transfer DEFECT or INCONSISTENCIES  of main Divinity  to its Subjects

     investigating  CHRISTIAN CULTURE

     the next step came as a result of the ARCHANGELS from  6-7 to 3  resulting in the main Deity (God ) absorbing ALL the powers of the 7 Anunnaki during the Medieval Ages and the redefinition of "SATAN"  the undesirable traits of the 7 were transferred to the "DEVIL "  my  power point that no theist has ever given a reasonable  answer is WHY is ones God DEPENDENT on PEOPLE to  SPEAK for IT seems  very similar to the human behavior of  VENTRILOQUISM    a ACT of stage craft  in which a PERSON changes his or her voice  for it to APPEAR to come from "SOMEWHERE"  else  and for the religious  within their own mind their thoughts are the gods thoughts   like those rubber bracelets  are a conditioning tool  used on children   WWJD    i also find it ODD  that its not WWGD  HEBREW  BIBLE   I am the Lord thy god  thy shall have NO OTHER gods BEFORE  me  (  that would apply to a SON of god )

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    There is a reason they call them sheep.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Christians aren't allowed to learn about the predecessors to their stories. They're supposed to believe that nothing came before the Bible.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 year ago

    A God is a being NOT from Earth and is IMMORTAL.

    Are the Anunnaki still alive?

  • 1 year ago

    Because they've never watched "Ancient Aliens" or read Erik VonDanikan's book "Chariots of the Gods."  According to my rare blood type and eye color, I'm a descendant of the Anunnaki.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 year ago

    The OT Bible stories come from multiple cultures.

    Folklore from 7,000 years ago.       

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Because that part is not included in the generation indoctrination.

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