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Isn't adopting a baby by homosexual couples in fact a form of child abuse?

Well, having children isn't in the nature of homosexuals; why should they manipulate the nature?

Also, it is not the baby's choice to be adopted by homosexual couples.

Moreover, it might the baby becomes a straight person when he/she grows up; a straight person NEEDS an opposite-sex parent to communicate with; as well as even a homosexual person.

Won't the baby say I want a father/mother when he/she grows up? Won't the baby say so where's my father/mother?

22 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    a child needs a decent and loving environment. that,s all the counts.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    It probably is never a baby's choice to be given birth to by an ugly, toothless crackwhore with a thug boyfriend who regularly pistol whips them both, but, hey, as long as they're straight, that's okay, right?

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    all a child wants is a parent to love them. whether they are gay or straight makes no difference

  • 1 year ago

    I'm going to assume you are illinformed rather than just homophobic, and I'm going to address your claims here. 

    It's not "manipulating nature" for them to adopt, people who can't have kids themselves adopt all the time. And it's better that the baby gets adopted by a loving family, gay or not, than not be adopted and get bounced around from home to home in the foster care system, and being subject to abuse. 

    A straight kid does not need a straight parent. They still have plenty of straight people around, and even more now that the internet exists, for them to ask for hetero specific advice, which they may not even need. Gay kids grow up with straight parents all the time, and it's much more difficult to find gay adults to ask for homo-specific advice from if needed, yet it's fine. If gay kids are having troubles with the adults in their lives it's because their adults are homophobic and don't accept them, or are otherwise abusive. It's not because they aren't gay. So no, straight kids can be fine without straight parents, just like gay kids can be fine without gay parents. 

    Adopted children asking about their birth parents is common with any adopted child, it has nothing to do with what kind of couple their parents are. 

    What a child needs is a loving and safe home. The genders of the parents is irrelevant, and it would actually be more abusive to not allow gay couples to adopt(on the grounds of them being gay), because the more couples we have adopting, the less kids have to suffer from abuse(and possible identity theft) in the foster care system. 

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  • 1 year ago

    The one thing I know.

    Jails around the planet are over flowing with people who are the product of heterosexual couples raising children. We gays cant do any worse than they have managed.

  • 1 year ago

    No, but that won't stop you from sounding like an idiot.

  • 1 year ago

    Many same-sex couples ensure that there are positive role models of like gender. But no, obviously it isn't child abuse any more than same-ethnicity couples bringing up a child whose ethnicity is different is.

  • My son would not have a parent, any parent, if the rules of adoption followed your line of thinking.  I adopted my son 35 years ago when single parent adoptions were rare. My son was placed for adoption and offered to 24 married couples who refused him.  So they offered him to me as a foster child and three years later let me adopt him.  I think we are a match made in heaven. But if people like you were in control, he would have grown up in an institution.

  • 1 year ago

    It is indeed. These poor children have been through enough trauma in their lives without having to live with this additional burden of shame. There are plenty of normal straight couples wanting to adopt so they need to stop using these deviants and stop trying to normalise same sex relationships by giving them children. 

    Source(s): Many pompous years
  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    I take what you said very personally because I am in a same sex marriage (12 years and counting) and we have two beautiful children, one whom we adopted and one that was born through a surrogate with our sperm (both of us donated).  The child who was adopted had been in an abusive home and would have ended up in the system had we not adopted him.  He is now 8 years old and doing extremely well in school, in the extended family as well as in society at large.  Everyone, family, neighbors, even strangers readily accept our situation.  You are misinformed and narrow minded.  Not that it is really your business, but our children are part of a large, loving extended family and a cohesive neighborhood.  They have three grandparents, having lost one just a few months ago.  They have numerous aunts, uncles, cousins including great aunts and uncles.  They are growing up in a stable environment with many facilities and opportunities to become the very best people that they can.  I really don't see how we have "manipulated" nature.  No it was not our children's choice to be brought up by two men, but they are thriving, happy individuals with lots of love and a strong sense of belonging.  Can you say that about all children whether in a heterosexual environment or not?  Can you say that about your children if you have any?

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