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Do you realize the stories of the Bible come from Sumerian Texts .. written several thousand years before the authors of the Bible were born?

and that the Bible does not refer to god... but to the Sky People who are the Anunnaki. Paul Wallis can explain much better than I.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

     Using CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS  it is a possibility  that   Sumerian "TEXT"  presenting  FLOOD and CREATION  stories  may have been  HEARD  by PEOPLE , spread  from person to person  various SOCIETIES and adopted  as their own  or a INDIVIDUAL  PERSON  in a Culture or society  presented "THEIR "  explanation  of CREATION and DESTRUCTION     when you get down to    the SOURCE   is a HUMAN MIND     BOB claiming  SKY PEOPLE  / ANUNNAKI  

      TED  claiming YAHWEH

     GEORGE claiming  THOR

     HARRY claiming  VISHNU 

     the SOURCE of all the CLAIMS are PEOPLE

     without Demonstration  to be "the case " or True "

     identify  the  "MEANS "  to distinquish  if Gary is labeling his OWN thoughts as an EXTERNAL  VOICE or is  Gary having a DELUSION    the   MEANS is  independent of Gary just ASSERTING  would be   verification  by demonstration what Gary claims is THE CASE / TRUE   other wise one has AUTHORITARIANISM  what Gary says is to be ACCEPTED  as CORRECT  merely cause of WHO said it  GARY   that would be the same as BOB  said   the people  in  his society are  COMMANDED  to  HATE   ALL  People born on the island of Hawaii     Moses claims  HIS "god "  said KILL all the Midian  Adult males  young males  Women who have known a Man  EXCEPT  Midian Females who have NOT known a Male ( Virgins )  what is the difference between a Midian  FEMALE age  10 and a Midian MALE age 10  what was the justification for invading and killing Midians  and how does being a  FEMALE  VIRGIN exempt you from  the justification to be killed  so the justification to KILL was ADULT male and ADULT  female sex and  pre - puberty  or puberty  males ( VIRGINS)  are to be killed  and exempt  are female    VIRGINS   pre- puberty or puberty   the GOAL was to TAKE OVER the LAND  and EXTERMINATE  the  Midians who  occupied  the  " promised land "   with the CLAIM the Midians  led  ( Numbers 31 )  the "Israelite " to SIN against "god "  related to the "FALSE " prophet  BALAAM ( numbers 22 )  and kill the 5  MIDIANITE Kings  supposedly BALAAM  told king BALAK  how to get the  ISRAELITE / HEBREWS  to commit SIN  by ENTICING them with  SEXUAL IMMORALITY and FOOD SACRIFICED to " IDOLS "

      according to HEALTHLINE person with a DELUSION  may "BELIEVE " they have a SPECIAL power  or ability or a SPECIAL relationship  or connection  or IS A  special leader  the person with the delusion will not listen to any other view point about the BELIEF or consider CHANGE  even when   EVIDENCE challenges the delusion   the delusion impacts their daily  life  to add a  point of reference  the land of EGYPT and EGYPTIANS is mentioned 700 TIMES  in the Bible the word KILL  is used up to  539 TIMES depending on the  versions of  Bible 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    No one realizes that.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    No, Canasnite and general Semitic literature and mythology. 

  • 1 year ago

    Bible stories circulated and were preserved via oral tradition, long before they were ever set down in writing. The Sumerians did not have the benefit of divine revelation, so the best they could do was try to make sense of things, according to their own, very limited understanding. Ditto for Wallis, while God inspired all the sacred, biblical writers. Can't beat that!

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Please do some more research on people in the Bible and the time line of the Sumerian religions and the time line of the Bible.

    For some un-documented reason Terah rejected the religion/s which you reference. His son Abram (later on to be called Abraham) began a quest to find the city of God.

    The only issue is what texts did Abraham have, were they passed down to future generations.

    I maintain the Sumerian texts are an adulteration of what Abraham had, not the other way around.

    Keep in mind by the time of Moses the religions based on the Sumerian Texts were already history and forgotten. The Jews plagiarizing them would be impossible to prove and very doubtful except with a wild imagination. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    well, not absolutely true, Sumaria isn't even the oldest society on the earth if you want something older for verification, there are places in south america, and yet of course i will not believe anything that says these places are older than 14 thousand years. its all a fraud, there is peer review corruption, there is "knowledge filtration" and the people that get pay checks are obviously lying dishonest people because they want their carnal security in a career of teaching

    ask the historians that are black balled ! there is a conspiracy there, even among christian universities to not teach creation science facts and the truth. listen to Kent Hovind for sure, and watch the ben stein movie for additional truths about what evolutiionists really believe. and no one can believe the text books if they teach Lucy was an ancestor, it was proven as a hoax along with the pilt down man, and i put money to moonshine the Kennewick man is a lie also

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago


  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Anunnaki just means children of Anu. 

    They’re not aliens. 

    The Anunnaki, like Enlil and Enki, were the gods of the Sumerians. 

    Sumerian religion and culture was absorbed by the Akkadians, the original Babylonians. 

    Enlil became known as Baal and Enki became known as Ea (Yah). 

    Much of the legends of Enlil and Enki would greatly influence the stories in Genesis, such as Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, the Tower of Babel, and the great flood. 

    But, as I say, they were not aliens, just imagined gods of a very ancient people 

  • Well, I doubt Sumerian myths played a direct roll, but the myths that were passed down to and molded by their successors, Assyrians and Babylonians, have a huge impact on the Bible, especially those that were born into Babylonian culture while in captivity. One source of the Torah was written during the exile and uses Babylonian natural philosophy and law codes (see documentary hypothesis).

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Of course...and where did the Sumerian-tablets come from? 

    Both Egypt and Sumeria were the last outposts of Atlantis; 

    just like Tibet and California/Arizona were the last colonies 

    of Lemuria.

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