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? asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 12 months ago

How do i get over writers block?

Writing my very first book, was going nice and smooth for about 3 chapters, then 4 and 5 were a struggle now chapter 6 is just at a stand still, and has been like this for 2 weeks now, I just can't seem to put anything down on paper. Any suggestions?

5 Answers

  • 12 months ago

    Just relax, you’re thinking about it too hard, don’t worry it will come to you. I’m also in the middle of writing my first novel, another thing I do is start a whole different story and just have fun and write anything i want, then i go back to the other book and it feels like a breeze, trust me it always works for me.

  • 12 months ago

    I have found that when I get stuck with a story line it helps to revisit my outline and begin with a different section and return to the sticking point at a later date. Perhaps spend a few hours tweaking a character then come back. The jest is to not stop working, just change up for a while and return with a clear mind

  • 12 months ago

    Re-assign it to "short story" status by simply releasing the first 5 chapters.

  • Anonymous
    12 months ago

    Most people claiming writer's block aren't actually blocked. They just don't know what's up next and have no viable ideas.

    Did you plan the entire book in detail? Then you can always write the next part, even if the writing itself is awful. That's fine in a first draft.

    If you're writing without a plan, you aren't really blocked, but the label hardly matters, right?

    I urge you to use the part you wrote as the first section of a master plan, in whatever form works for you. Lately I'm liking detailed syopses, but some people like outlines, spreadsheets, or index cards.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    12 months ago

    You have to give more information such as did you outline a plot or just home that it would just happen as you wrote? If you have a plot did you plan a resolution's of whatever is facing whoever you are writing about? If you have and are unsure about how to resolve it. Try resolving the conflicts in more than one way and then seeing what feels right a happy ending a tragic ending or leaving it for the reader to guess. Or you might try some kind of randomness to break the block like throwing out random words and seeing if you can fit the into your story, using dreams you had anything to come up with some ideas. if there is a historical content weaving in what is happening in the news which is a ploy often used to play a story against another happening in the background.

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