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Fran UK Man asked in SportsBoxing · 10 months ago

Muhammed Ali the racist?

Is there a reason - maybe someone can explain it to me - why the boxer Muhammed Ali, is not condemned as a racist in the US, indeed, regarded as a hero? In 1971, Joe Frazier hammered Ali in Madison Sq in NY (it is on YouTube) and took away Ali's world crown. In the build up to their rematch in the Philippines, Ali repeatedly denounced Frazier - both black boxers - as the 'Gorilla in Manila'.  

Frazier was dignified in the face of Ali's racist spite, but that is irrelevant to my question. Why is Ali, the racist, regarded as a hero?

It was up to me, I would have put him behind bars.


9 Answers

  • 5 months ago

    First you can't put someone in jail just for being raciest.  A person has to commit a crime to be sentenced to jail/prison time.  

    Ali always insulted his opponents to build up the fights and thus draw more money.  But even he admitted he took it way to far for Fraiser 3.  But I am not sure if it was meant as a raciest thing.  I thing he was calling Joe dumb and Gorilla rhymed with Manilla.  He always had to make a silly rhyme. 

    Having said that, he also called Joe an Uncle Tom.  I think that is like saying Joe was a sell out to the white man.  Joe was a very good and decent man who just wanted to let his fist talk.  He wanted to support his family and did not care for all the hype.  That was his personality.  He also helped Ali financially during Ali's exile.  Joe was an awesome man like that.

    Ali made a living with his mouth.  Of course he usually backed up his talk in the ring, but he always hyped the fights up.  Keep in mind boxing had never seen the kind of money that it experienced with Ali.  Part of the reason we see multiple million dollar fights today is Ali.. He was a gifted promoter.

    I think if anything, Ali had some resentment against whites.  It was the 60's and 70's and that is understandable.  I don't think he hated all white people, but he hated the system at the time.  In many ways he was a head of his time.  

    But back to Frazier.  I think Joe never forgave Ali for the insults he received and to his dieing day took Joe in all the left hooks he landed on Ali's right jaw. Some of them were brutal.  I think their 3rd fight may have been the most brutal sporting event ever.  The temperature in the ring was over a hundred degrees with a very high humidity.  I heard some fans in the arena passed out from the heat.  Combine that with someone punching you constantly and it is deadly.  Perhaps the miracle is that they both lived.  ALI said it was the closest thing to death he had experienced.  

    After the fight reporters came to Ali's dressing room and he refused to answer any questions until someone would go to Joe's dressing room and apologize on his behalf to Joe's son for the mean things he said about his dad.  I suppose Ali would have walked over himself, but I doubt he had the energy at that point.  He was completely spent,  after the fight was stopped collapsed in the ring.  

    But he did apologize many times to Joe.  He had so much respect for Joe.  He often said Joe was the second greatest heavyweight of all time.  But I do agree he took it way to far with the insults leading up to Manilla. He admitted that much himself.  But if you anyone else has not watched that fight please do and keep in mind how the heat was possibly a bigger threat than the opponent that day. 

    Joe begged Eddie Futch to let him come out for round 15.  Joe's eyes were basically closed by this point and he took a beating in round 14.  Joe begged for Eddie to let him have that one more round.  Eddie said it's over but, "no one will ever forget what you did here today".  At, least among fight fans, Eddie's word were true.

  • 8 months ago

    He's vastly overrated in boxing like Bruce Lee is in martial arts and Arnold Schwarzenegger is in bodybuilding. . 

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Ali was overrated

  • Ray
    Lv 6
    9 months ago

    Ali did say some questionable things especially in his youth [he said far worse things before the second Frazier fight], but he matured and repented in some of his previous more concerning comments. 

    As for the gorilla phrase, it was cringy. 


    Also, Joe Frazier never took Muhammad Ali's crown. 

    The government, Leon Spinks and Holmes are the only ones to take Ali's crown. Spinks and Holmes was when Ali was on social security. 


    The government took it away when he refused to join the draft. 


    Ali won his liberty and has some tune up fights, Frazier was the champion at the time so Ali fought Frazier for his crown, first bout Frazier won.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 months ago

    Aren't you the wee lad who wrote he just ordered a Confederate flag to hang on his living room wall ??  Are you a racist ??  Just wondering.  

  • 10 months ago

    He was one of my favorite  sports heroes growing up-- along with Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris, and  Wilt Chamberlain.

  • 10 months ago

    He wasn't a racist.  Muhammad Ali is our brother that's why we love him.  Some others love him because of his boxing achievements. 

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    Just because Muhammad Ali called Joe Frazier a gorilla does not mean hes racist. 

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    Didn't you hear Black people can't be racist? Besides that racists are not jailed for being and saying racist things. They never have been. The fact that Muhammad Ali has been dead for just over 4 years now has simply made this nothing more than an obvious form of virtue signaling!

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