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Should I get the 11pro max or wait for the 12 pro max?

I’m planning on upgrading my phone. I have an 8 but it’s not entirely by choice I’m choosing to do this; it is starting to act up. The back glass is cracked, the silent switch doesn’t work anymore and the temperature alert will come up even though the phone is not hot rendering it unusable for a good 10-15 minutes. I was going to get the 11pro max; I 

Actually have already saved up $1,200 in cash. My goal is $1,500 although I probably won’t spend it all, I want some padding. My main reason To hesitate is the 12 pro max will be 5G however at the same time 95% of my internet usage is through wi-fi and the data I use is usually just reading news websites and the occasional video so it being 4G or 5G is a near non factor and 4G will probably be around for another decade; 3G was around for almost 20 years before the infrastructure was **** down or being shutbdown. Also I’m not sure if the 8 will even last and I usually wait a month after release to get it since I expect the first batch to blah e some kind of issue. Meaning I would have to wait until November at the earliest.

2 Answers

  • 11 months ago

    It's a non issue if you can't compare the two phones side by side today. So the choice is simple, wait for both phones to be in your favorite place to hands on, compared them. Or get the 11 pro, sale it, and then buy the 12 pro when it comes out. 

  • 11 months ago

    Ask yourself would you even need the difference in the iPhone 11 Pro compared to the iPhone 12 than. Sometimes it doesn’t matter.

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