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What do I do if a woman is giving me negative body language? Do I cut off all contact?


I am 20 years old. This is not a relationship. These are random girls I see in the supermarket, gas stations, the mall, and college classes. Negative body language includes turning their body away from me, crossed arms, frustrated facial expressions when they see me looking at them, and quick to leave. 

3 Answers

  • 10 months ago

    Maybe you are giving her that neg bod lang so thats what you get in return

  • 10 months ago

    You didn't give enough information to give you an answer. Please write again,including your age, what else is going on in the relationship, if indeed there is one, how long you've been together, and what you mean by "negative body language". You have now asked 455 questions and received over 933 answers, so my question to you, would be: where is your self confidence? 

  • 10 months ago

    As opposed to this radical concept called....talking to her?

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