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Any ideas about Quiet keyboards?

I'm looking for quiet keyboards, and all I'm getting are LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES on the internet! I'm getting tired of links that are telling me that this keyboard or that keyboard is quiet, bu when I look at the reviews on YouTube and other sites, they are LOUD AF!!! 

I want something as silent as a laptop's keyboard, if not even more silent. Seriously, those things are really quiet, but I want a keyboard that's for a desktop obviously. So, does anyone have any ideas about brands/models about genuine and legitimate silent keyboards? Please provide me with a list if you have any. Thank you! 

2 Answers

  • 9 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    mechanical keyboards are intentionally noisy.  you want a membrane keyboard .. yes, they're still made and yes, they're usually the dirt cheap product ... so buy two when you find one you like; after it dies, toss it and use the second one while you order a new one

  • keerok
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    I can only think of two - onscreen keyboards (touchscreen) and virtual keyboards (laser projected).

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