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Is this a good reason to block commenting?

"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting."

This is Yahoo's reasoning for suspending the commenting.

Do you think this is a GOOD reason?

Is commenting something that makes the community UNSAFE? If so, why they didn't do that before?

I do accept that there are some trolls that post hate speech in their comments, but these people exist forever. They were present long before this suspension, they are now, and they will be after removing the suspension.

8 Answers

  • 7 months ago

    It's a crap reason.  First they say they want to create and "ENGAGING" place for users to connect and then they say they have removed that ability for users.  It doesn't make any sense at all.  The two comments are mutually exclusive.  The reason Yahoo doesn't want conservative comments to their liberal news articles is that Yahoo is a liberal run source and they are cowards and do not like what conservatives have to say about the news they fake and spin.  That's the honest answer to the question about why Yahoo has removed the ability to comment on their articles. Can you think of ANY other reason why they wouldn't want people to air their opinions?  It's all political and Yahoo is biased.  That's the bottom line. You are not fooling the intelligent among us Yahoo.  We are still going to vote for Trump.

  • 7 months ago

    Yahoo comments was a bastion and safe haven for Neo Nazi's, White supremacists and far right wing wacko Neo Cons to spew their venom and hateful  racist laden comments unopposed and unchecked for years. Now that Trump's in office we suddenly need. " a safe and engaging place...,"? Give me a Break, that's not what got Trump elected! 

  • 9 months ago

    YES!  It's an excellent reason..........but does it stop trolls?  NO. 

    Now they just post full rubbish rants in their answers instead  like this.......


    this is precisely why comments were suspended...because of troll stalker losers like this. .....who think this is a chat site, and like to post rubbish  rants, lying  about other users. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    In my Opinion Yes it is they need a Time out with it people need to Cool off and the People that are Trolling need a time out

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  • 9 months ago

    Yes, it is a good reason for Verizon Media to this across the ENTIRE Yahoo platform. YAHOO HAS DONE THIS BEFORE FOR THE VERY SAME REASONS during the 2016 and 2012 elections. That was BEFORE there was commenting on answers. 

    Instead of the 6 days of almost constant complaining and whining on YA, why don't you give Verizon Media, NOT YAHOO, a piece of your mind at


  • 9 months ago

    A very good reason. The majority of comments, especially during the election are nothing but insults and vile material.

  • .
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    Whatever reason Yahoo/Verizon chooses to remove or add any feature is up to them. It's their company and they allow us (users) to use it for FREE. Considering there were as many, if not more, inappropriate comments made, it's certainly not a bad thing that they removed that feature. Yahoo Answers functioned well for years without the ability to comment (in fact, was at its most popular).


    If YOU disagree with the removal then make use of the email at the end of the quoted text you shared (also shared by me below) and let them know how you feel. After all, THAT is where your feelings may have impact. Posting about it here, has no impact.

    Source(s): As has been asked/answered DOZENS of times since the change occured last week - Per Yahoo: "In order to strengthen and improve community and engagement, we are temporarily disabling comments. Our goal is always to create a safe, engaging place to connect over interests and passions and we’d love your feedback on how to improve this experience. Please email us your feedback at"
  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    It's not a reason. It's meaningless speech

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