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Why did God Almighty not confront the Evil Germany of WW2?

91 Answers

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    8 months ago

    Because the Nazis had free will, like all other humans. What good would free will be, if God jumped in and took over every time we decided to do something ungodly?

  • 8 months ago

    Because Jehovah has a day when he will destroy the wicked. Psalms 37:10,11. Besides if God would've intervened. Guess who would've gotten the credit?  Man's ideology of course. So what God is doing is offering mankind whose government do they choose? Man's government  God's government. 

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    Because the mindless genocide was being masterminded by Christians.

  • 8 months ago

    He did.

    And He uses the evil of man for His Own purposes.

    Time for man to confess he is evil and wicked.

    Why does man not confront his evil and wickedness? Does it really take a WW2, a Holocaust and still he refuses???

    And how about you?

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  • Caesar
    Lv 7
    8 months ago

    For the same reason Glad-of-War, Grim, Raider, and Third. The One-Eyed. the one called Highest, and True-Guesser,Grimnir, and ,the Hooded One, All-Father, and Gondlir Wand-Bearer. With as many names as there are winds, as many titles as there are ways to die..... Odin not confront the Evil Christians Northern Crusades, a war primarily against the Baltic, Finnic and West Slavic peoples around the southern and eastern shores of the Baltic Sea that worship European native gods...

  • 8 months ago

    Where is Nazi Germany today? Anyone still following the successful Third Reich? At the end of WW2, Hitler's Germany ceased to exist. Germany was split and divided, half of it even falling under the control of Communist Russia. Even their Capitol City of Berlin was divvided. I'd say that God DID confront the wickedness of WW2 Germany. "I will bless those that bless you, and curse them that curse you," is what God told Abraham and his offspring in Genesis 12.  That is the judgment of God towards those that abuse and kill His people. 

  • 8 months ago

    God creates us in his image not in his ability to act well. He gives us the ability to be good people but if we use it is our choice

  • 8 months ago

    If there really was a god, and he/she wanted all people to be good/nice to each other, then there would be no wars. But god believers always have an excuse for why their god does not intervene in what man does; but he/she will burn you alive after you die. It is all totally nothing but a control system. And, the US was not appointed to confront the Germans. @Ernest,   The US and its allies had to get involved in that war, or the Japanese and Germans would have the whole earth under their control. "And He uses the evil of man for His Own purposes."  Your belief system (religion) does that. "Time for man to confess he is evil and wicked." Sure Ernest, what a sweet religion you believe, that you must always know that you are a wicked and dishonest, etc, LOL! At age 11 I knew that was a lie, and still is  and will always be a lie. That is the trick by which the idiots are made afraid to open there eyes to see that they are being used. What BE! You must hate yourself then accept being controlled by one of the biggest lies ever made up.

  • 9 months ago

    WHY would GOD contradict HIS prophecy's when HE stated there shall be wars and roomers of wars.   

  • 9 months ago

    Because good and evil are based on your subjective morality and there is no god policing the world. Just people looking for answers outside themselves. No wonder we kill each other over superficial differences or follow cult of personalities in order to fill an emptiness created by the idea of god. An emptiness that can never be filled because there is no god to fill it.

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