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? asked in SportsWater Sports · 8 months ago

Sit in kayak or sit on?

I really want to buy a kayak but I'm stuck on which to get, what would you reccomend a sit in style one or a sit on? And I'm trying to keep price under $600 so of I can have any opinions it's much appreciated 

2 Answers

  • CB
    Lv 7
    7 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    For a couple reasons I like sit on.

    I am tall and have big feet - not many kayaks available. 

    I don't think I want to be trapped inside (or need to learn how to write myself if dumped upside down). 

    Bad side of open is it is a wet ride in the waves but fun in the ocean and surf as you can get in and out pretty easily.

    I suppose it will come down to how YOU are going to use it to make the best decision. Do you want a dry ride or a wet ride. River of flat water etc.  

  • 8 months ago

    I'd prefer a sit in kayak 

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