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Frank W asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 months ago

Why is it that when Democrats can not have their way they change the rules?

Now that RBG has died an Republicans have control of Senate as of 2018 Vote, why is it they should not vote on a nominee that President Trump puts up to fill the opening cause by RBG Death?  So what happens when all the lawsuits that will be filed by Democrats come November 4th? and there are only 8 Judges not 9? But Democrats make their threats like always cause they are the Party of Nazis an KKK.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    They mostly don't.  Or at least not without strong cause.  For example, Harry Reid waited a long time to remove the filibuster for judicial appointments.  He really didn't want to do it and only did so after Republicans spent years filibustering every Obama judicial nominee.  So it's not "whenever they can't get their way they change the rules".  It's more like "when they can't get their way at all, despite having earned power at the polls, then they reluctantly change the rules". 

    It's Republicans who are more prone to change the rules when they can't get their way.  An example of this is how Mitch McConnell removed the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees.  He didn't do this after years of universal and unthinking obstruction, as Harry Reid did.  He did it at the first chance he got.  Another example is the current debacle with Ginsburg.  In 2016, when Republicans faced the specter of seeing the court go from a 5-4 conservative majority to a 5-4 liberal majority they changed the rules and said that a President shouldn't get to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in an election year.  Now, four years later, when it's a liberal seat which has become vacant in an election year, they've changed the rules again, and said that a President should be able to nominate a Justice in an election year.  And if Republicans lose their Senate majority in the 2020 election, which is a distinct possibilty, I'm sure that they'll rush to approve this nomination in the lame duck session, in defiance of the wishes of voters.  Republicans in recent years have been characterized by a completely amoral lust for power. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 months ago

    Republicans have shown Democrats should be concerned with what Democrats want when in power. Republicans and red states didn't put them in power so dont be concerned with them or what they want. 

  • Gary
    Lv 5
    7 months ago

    Remember everybody this November vote RED!


    E VERY


    Because our ENTIRE federal government, our system of voting, our SCOTUS and our system of checks and balances is at stake if the LIEberal left demiCROOKS win this year! There's MUCH more at risk this year than there was in 2016!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 months ago

    It is actually Moscow Mitch who is breaking his own “Biden Rule” precedent he established in 2016.  Apparently, after impeachment, the plague and collapsed economy, etc, McKochnell is not confident the American voter will give him the chance to advise and consent in 2021, especially if he alienates Chump’s cult.

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  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    The rules have not changed. The constitution sets the rules and that has remained. Joe Biden and the senate majority Democrats we’re pleased to set a precedence in 1992 when Biden argued that the president shouldn’t make an election year nomination. His speech came back to haunt the Democrats in 2016 when a senate Republican majority Blocked the appoint by Obama of Judge Garland. The situation is different today. We have a Republican President and a Republican majority in the Senate. Make no mistake. The appoint of a Supreme Court Justice is a political activity

  • 7 months ago

    Congress is controlled by Democrats who write the laws.

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    Get your argument straight, as whatever the Democrats do to prevent a rushed installation of a new Supreme Court Justice will be STRICTLY within the parameters of "the rules". What's at issue is how your boy McConnell said one thing then, but does another thing now . . .

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    If your argument is that confirming a Justice as soon as possible is in the best interests of the country, the political bias of the Senate should be irrelevant.   That argument would hold true at any point in time.

    Yet in 2016 republicans said nine months was too fast, not in the country's best interest and inappropriate in a Presidential election year.  

    Were republicans wrong in 2016 or are they wrong now?   


    Attachment image
  • 7 months ago

    Why anyone would vote Democrat is beyond me. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for reckless,  stifling government. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 months ago

    What is the rush? ........

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