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Crimson asked in PetsDogs · 6 months ago

Where can I find a puppy?

I am not looking for professional breeders. Too costly. Also im looking for something other than animal shelters. Hard to find puppies in animal shelter. I'm looking for something like Craigslist

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    for what? for what purpose would you want a dog? tie in the back yard? lock in your garage? tortore? give away to who knows what? because you "waaant" one because your neighbor has one?

    no. dogs are not "cheap". you wont find cheap on craigslist either unless you get really lucky. your looking into at least the hundreds if not thousands.

    dogs are the most expensive livestock more expensive than cow or horse.

    IF your lucky and you have a neighbor that knows you and has puppies they might give you two but it wont be a 'cheap' or inexpensive animal.

    dogs cost to raise train and keep and are not easy. people are limited and can only handle so much. 

    secondly don listen to the asssholes on these forums. puppy mill dogs iven injured ones make fine companiona when healed so do mutts. you WANT to find mill dogs those are usually farm raised. those are usually in labs from what I seen today.

    you basically find where and get the law in and you get them for free.

    just make sure its a lab and not some guy just living with dogs.

  • 6 months ago

    So you want a dog from someone who is bringing more dogs into the world for no apparent reason... Future shelter dogs.

  • 6 months ago

    I am not sure about it

  • R.j.
    Lv 5
    6 months ago

    yes or look on fb

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  • 6 months ago

    Most probably either in a local newspaper, or perhaps a vet's noticeboard?   But never forget, the buy in price is ONLY the start.    Why not a so called professional breeder - a good reputable one.   I'd opt for somebody who only breeds occasionally, for their next generation.   That way you should get yourself a puppy who maybe doesn't come up to such a breeder's exacting requirements for their next generation, but who has benefitted from all the careful looking into which dog would best suit their b itch, doing all the testing needed, and not to be ignored, careful rearing.

    If you go to some online puppy sale website, you'll probably hook up with a BYB who is only after your money.   And you'll find yourself spending a lot of money with your vet!!   To say nothing of heartbreak.

  • 6 months ago

    Well, keep watching.  You can also adopt from rescue organizations.  Many breed specific rescues, so if you know the breed X you want, just google that breed in your state.  They rescue the specific breed & all their Xs.  Adopting is really cheap considering all they do the the pups/dog they adopt out.  They get Vetted, utd on shots, spay/neuter & chipped all for just the adoption fee.  If you buy a dog/puppy you would have to pay for all of it out of your pocket.  About $1,000 or more.  Adopt, don't buy.

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    people place adds in the paper for that.

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    you answered your own question

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    just put an ad on craiglist

  • 6 months ago,, and

    Search your city and put the breed of puppy if u know or just the word puppy. You'll find lots of inexpensive dog got preggo and now we're slanging these litttle pups, but I know nothing of pro breeding type of sellers and you'll also find pricier pups sometimes, it just depends on whats available when you search. 

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