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Why do people think that Beethoven was black?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    You can ask that about any conspiracy theory. People also think Shakespeare's plays were written by a black woman and that John Hanson was the first president of the USA and that he was black. Someone claims that Beethoven was described as being "swarthy." So, to a lot of people, this means he was black African, which he wasn't. Then one thing leads to another and a whole bunch of wild stories develop to explain how a black man managed to become the top composer during an era when black people were looked down upon: people make up stories about him having Moorish ancestry (they claim the Moors were black) but don't provide a shred of evidence and stories about him having a white man to pretend to be Beethoven in public.

    I can only speculate why people make up these stories. Possibly, it's a way for black people to feel better about themselves since much of their history prior to slavery is lost save a few second-hand accounts from the arabs. Another reason may be because they feel they can't enjoy something good if it comes from a white person. In either case, it's sad. You don't have to be white to enjoy classical music, and Beethoven doesn't have to be black for black people to admire him. But remember it's only a few black people who believe Beethoven was black. Most don' least not the ones I have met.

  • Tom
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    To suck up to BLACK people and make them feel good for the complement----Usually for political reasons----Just like they say the EGYPTIANS were Black (As in sub Saharan Bantu Types) when they are actually COPTIC.

  • D50
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    For the same reason they believe what's in the Bible: "Someone told me."

  • 5 months ago

    According an historical account, Beethoven' s mother, Maria Magdalena Keverich was born in an area that was under Moorish direct control, and his father was half Flemish, with Belgium also being within the Moorish territory.  

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  • 6 months ago

    I have never heard of anyone saying or even considering that. Beethoven was very white. I do not know who these 'people' are but obviously they do not know a lot. 

  • 6 months ago

    This same dumb story comes around every so often - was HERE on YA a few weeks ago.  I am a career (since 1973) full-time classical musician and teacher, with multiple conservatory degrees.  This BOGUS story same not from the music world, but from a racist Southerner who wrote an *academic paper* (nah - just just  garbage racist opinions) that Black people could NEVER aspire to write any music as good as Beethoven.  Well, all colors of people got offended at that lie, and the story morphed from  "no they can't - yes they can - yes they did - Beethoven was black."  Easy enough to Google this lame story.  Also easy enough to find a LOOOOOONG list of highly talented/educated/prolific back composers who wrote classical music - starting in the 1600s!  Intelligence and talent does no see any color, race, nationality.  But bigotry seems to get all sweating over ALL human differences.  Look at the crowd at a Trump rally - hardly this year's Nobel Prize (which Trump spelled NOBLE prize . . ) nominees or winners, right? 

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Some people are daft.

    It is just the latest fad in ‘reclaiming‘ history to be inclusive.

  • Vivian
    Lv 5
    6 months ago

    A few writers even go so far as to suggest the presence of reggae- and jazz-like rhythms in his piano sonatas. Beethoven was black because his music “sounds” Black; in other words, notwithstanding the unlikeliness of his familiarity with African music or that syncopation was commonplace in European music at that time.

  • 6 months ago

    Because of the name 

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