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Anonymous asked in Dining OutAustriaSalzburg · 7 months ago

Why did Moses break the stone with Commandments? ?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Not quite sure why this question is under dining out

  • 6 months ago

    Because he carried the word of God and thought the people was prepared to listen to him. Instead he found them partying and sinning. So in a fit of anger, he threw threw the tablets and broke them.

  • 6 months ago

    I believe it's a symbol of what was to come (Jesus fulfilling the whole law and sacrificing himself for us).

  • He discovered that the translation was to American English not normal English

    Lv 7
    6 months ago

       what is    presented is a STORY ,attributed to  to Moses ( Hebrew ) Moshe  ( 14-13 century BCE )  a  Prophet , teacher , leader  and a claimed event  of a COVENANT ceremony at Mt Sinai , where the  " 10 Commandment "  ( 613 commands of G-d)  were  promulgated , he FOUNDED a religious community  known as ISRAEL  The HISTORICAL PROBLEM While  the essence  of the Biblical  stories ( exodus 1:8 and Deuteronomy 34:12 ) is accepted it is recognized that during the centuries of ORAL and written transmission , the account  acquires layers  of accretions

    Excavations have SHOWN the destruction of the cities the Hebrews CLAIM to have captured occurred about 1250 NOT 1400

    Tradition figured about 12 GENERATIONS from Moses to Solomon , the reference of 480 years is most likely an EDITORIAL comment allowing 40 years for each GENERATION , since a generation is actually 25 years  the most PROBABLE date for an Exodus  is about 1290 BCE  making the PHAROH in Exodus (1:12-2:23) was SETI ( reigned 1318-1304 ) and the PHAROH Ramses II ( c.1304-c.1237 )  Moses was probably born in the 14th century BCE  Moses promotes MONOTHEISM  YAHWEH the ONE and ONLY GOD  no Other gods or images

    The  STORY WRITER  states  the first set  of  TWO (2)  TABLETS  where broken by Moses in ANGER  after witnessing  the People ( tribes )  REVERTING  to worshiping "THE GOLDEN CALF " 

    The " GOLDEN CALF , IDOL is worshiped by the Hebrews during the PERIOD of the EXODUS from Egypt in the 13th century BC and the AGE of JEROBOAM I KING of ISRAEL  in the 10th century BC  mentioned in Exodus 32 and 1 Kings 12 in the old testament  , the FIGURE is probably a representation of the EGYPTIAN BULL god APIS in the earlier  period and the  CANAANITE  FERTILITY god BAAL in the latter.In exodus 32 the HEBREWS  escaping Egypt ASKED ARRON ( Moses Brother ) to fashion a ,GOLDEN    CALF during the LONG ABSENCES ( 40 days and 40 nights )  of MOSES  on Mt Sinai , upon returning  from the mountain with the LAWS seeing the people worship the GOLDEN CALF  MOSES BROKE the TABLETS  and had the IDOL MELTED DOWN  , pulverized and mixed with water The People were REQUIRED to DRINK the MIXTURE , an ordeal to SEPARATE  the UNFAITHFUL ( those who lived )  Defending the faith ( who later DIED in a plague )  from the faithful ( who lived )  Defending the faith in the  god  REVEALED to MOSES AGAINST    the CALF worshipers were the LEVITES who became the PRIESTLY CASTE

    the story continues that according to MOSES the God TOLD him  to Put  ye every man to the sword  the killing of 3000  exodus  32-26-28  MORE killing of ones own people

    There are varying BELIEFS  about cattle in societies and RELIGIONS  in several  regions  NEPAL and most  states of INDIA the slaughter of cattle is prohibited and the meat is TABOO  .Cattle are considered  SACRED in world religions  such as HINDUISM JAINISM BUDDHISM and others , Cattle played a MAJOR role in many religions  including ANCIENT EGYPT , ancient Greece ancient ROME and ancient Germany Celtic Mythology  the greek mythology the CATTLE  of HELLOS  pastured on the island of Thrinacia  the SUN god  is said to have 7 herds of OXEN and & flock of SHEEP  also in NORSE mythology  AUOUMBIA  sucked the ancestor  of FROST GIANTS

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 months ago

    real reason , because he was drunk and the stones where heavy , you try climbing down a mountain carrying a block of stone .

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 months ago

    Because he was angry with the Israelites because they rebelled against the Lord. 

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    He dropped one of the three tablets, that's why there's ten instead of fifteen.

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    He poked a hole in he 10th and obviously was coveting some rock hard stone 

  • 7 months ago

    Uncontrolled anger. 

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