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Why does the media investigate the COVID-19 deaths cased when five democrat governors put infected people in nursing homes?

According to the NYT over 40% of deaths happen in nursing homes.

3 Answers

  • 6 months ago

    Governors put nobody in nursing homes.  FAMILY MEMBERS do that. 

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    unrelated to personal finance. You are obsessed. What are you going to do when biden wins?

    Offing Kamala would be a good start. if you are serious.

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    I know you cross burning Confederate cousin banging Republicans like to make that claim, but that's not what actually happened. What the governors actually did was prevent nursing homes from evicting residents just because they had Corona virus. Many nursing homes were about to put elderly people out on the street, even if they had nowhere to go. These governors said nursing homes cannot simply kick somebody out for having the virus. 

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