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Where can I stream the show Castle? ?

I've been wanting to watch the show Castle for many years now.  I've searched for it on both Hulu and Netflix but neither seems to have this show available.  I even tried to see if my local library has it on DVD but no luck there either.  The only place I can find it is on amazon but then I would have to pay about $15 for each season.  Does anyone know any place I can stream it or rent it for less? 

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    It was 2009 to 2016. It's available at some libraries.

    All 8 seasons are on DVD here in Las Vegas.

    Looks like ABC is airing them around 1AM, now showing season 4.

    Buying online all look like $15/season or more.

    ebay has them offered used.

  • 5 months ago  

    I will say that the show is decent at first, but it declines badly over it's run.  And when you read that Nathan Fillion and  Stana Katic absolutely HATED each other, it ruins some of it.  Evidently it was so bad that they basically refused to be on set together except during shooting, and eventually refused even that.  You'll see some plot threads where they are noticeably never together - that's not the writer's choice.  That's the writers accommodating the feud. 

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