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What do you do in a situation if you think you have covid 19 and you could lose everthying?

I live with my parents. I going to get tested today. They said if I'm I'm postive, I'm homeless and the whole family will have nothing to do with me. My phone will be ringing off the hook. My gf will leave me. I'll have to commit suicide, there is no other way out. I'm not going to suffer with mental anguish for the rest of my life plus suffer covid 19 symptoms  and if they get it they could die too. Today is the day is where my life changes forever!! I woke up 2 days ago with a dry throat but I can swallow.  It does not feel like a cold sore throat or step sore throat. My temp was 96.8 , I have no headache, just slight ly tired and not motivated,  i felt nauseous this morning. I could lose my job too.. this is a bad situation.


I also want to add I had sniffles and a slight dry cough. Not so much where I'm obsessed to cough. You have to understand symptoms vary person to person. That's why I'm panicking, I have every right too.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    An ER's never the don't believe me, look at my Yahoo Profile. Tough it out kid, dude most people have covid symptoms who dont have covid it seems like, me too, ive been checked tons of times, its okay, breeeeaaath my friend.

  • 5 months ago

    Just because  you have sniffles & a slight dry cough doesn't necessarily mean you have Covid. It is a symptom..yes it is, but it could also be a sign that you're coming down with a cold. 

    Anybody could catch Covid. I know of a nurse who was completely gowned, wore gloves & a face shield, washed her hands constantly, yet she caught Covid. Go figure. Wait 'til the results come back before you start panicking. In other words, don't worry 'til there's something to worry about. 

  • 5 months ago

    Who is "they"?

    I would say there is a 100% chance that you have covid and are experiencing neurological symptoms form it.


    - being kicked out of your residence for having covid is ILLEGAL.  There is an order that is in place that under 12/31/2020 by the CDC, that evictions can't take place if it causes homelessness.

    - covid doesn't cause phones to ring off the hook or gf to leave you (unless they didn't like you very much to start with)

    - please seek help at the ER if you continue to feel suicidal.

    You know your health information is PRIVATE.

    If your parents are going to be asses, just don't tell them you tested positive. 

    If you have been around them a lot, you should = there is some drugs they can take at early onset that greatly reduce disease progression.  But if they aren't experiencing symptoms my guess is you don't have it and neither do they.

    If you don't want to tell them you tested positive, just be super sulky and a d i c k to them for the next couple of weeks like they are being to you.

    Again, you aren't required to tell them.  You are required to keep away from them to avoid transmission.

    Have you taken an allergy/sinus meds?  I have covid almost every day until I do that. 

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Hell yeah it's over for you. Go to the nearest gun store and shoot yourself loser! You should not be out in public. Sucks to be you

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Since it has a higher than 90% survival rate why do you have your panties in a bunch about it and invent drama to whine about.

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