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Favorite Answers1%
  • Am I thinking correctly??

    I recently had a chest xray because an earlier xray said there was "mild hyperinflation" in the lungs. The result of the most recent xray said.."No interval change with features of potential, predominantly upper lobe emphysema". "The remainder of the exam is unremarkable". My Dr. is sending me for a pulmonary function test, & I know what that is. I'm worried, but the thing keeping me somewhat calm is the word "potential". I'm thinking the "potential" doesn't mean I have emphysema, just that it's more of a "possible". If the statement said "consistent with emphysema", I'd be more worried. Am I thinking correctly?

    Again, I'm worried, but also step at a time. Thanks.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 month ago
  • Do I qualify??

    I'm 73yrs of age, have hypertension(on meds) & proxysmal afib (take a blood thinner). I don't know where I stand when it comes to the covid vaccines. There's conflicting information. My Dr office recordings asks patients not to call enquiring, but refers us to our District Health Unit website. No point in me phoning them..they never answer the phone. The information on the site isn't clear for what I need to know. My roommate who is 66yrs of age, works in a brewery & she found out as recently as yesterday that her factory may qualify to get the vaccines because they're considered as producing "food". So that puts her ahead of me?????

    What should I do? 

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 month ago
  • How do I get this working again??

    I have speakers plugged into my desktop computer. I have made sure all connections are as they should be, but I can't turn the speakers off by pressing

    the power button (on the speakers). What can I do about this? Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 month ago
  • Why doesn't Ontario expand qualifications?

    The Province of Alberta is seriously comtemplating expanding the qualifications

    for vaccinations in an effort to get ahead of some variants that are spreading.

    Rather than have those under 80 sitting & waiting, they may just start vaccinating those under 80, etc.etc. 

    The Province of Saskatchewan is ready to vaccinate those 70+ now. Why doesn't Ontario consider doing the same? These rollouts in Ontario are far too slow.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases2 months ago
  • Should I tell all?

    Back on Feb. 1 I had a 72hr cardiac holter monitor test, & also an echocardiogram.

    My Family Doctor told me both tests yielded a normal result, which of course I was happy to hear. I have a telephone consultation with the Cardiologist come March 23. It's my plan to let him know that those tests must have caught me on good days, because my pulse is very commonly below 60, sometimes as low as 52. I also am a little lightheaded when first getting out of bed, & during the day. I have an oximeter, & very frequently my pulse is below 60. Last year, after a cardiac holter monitor test my pulse was at 52, & the Cardiologist didn't like it, resulting in my medication being reduced to boost the pulse rate. There are may days where I feel like cr*ap, & I'm sure it's because of low pulse rate. Should I tell all when speaking with the Cardiologist.? I currently am taking 5mg Bisoprolol, but it has been cut down to 1/4 tab..which has not boosted the heart rate. 

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases2 months ago
  • How could I have a cd player installed??

    I have a 2018 Chevrolet Malibu. The audio system does not have cd player capability, & I don't like a lot of the music that's being played on some of the radio stations. I'd much rather have my own cd's. How do I go about having a cd player

    installed, or would the cost be worth it. 

    3 AnswersCar Audio2 months ago
  • Why is the interview being put off??

    It has been said that the interview with Harry & Meghan likely will be delayed until the weekend...because of Prince Phillip being in hospital. What does that have to do with anything. Are "they" nervous something is said that might upset the old man? I'd like to know just "why" any surgery would be performed on a 99yr old.

    I know's WHO he is. I'm not being disrespectful; simply realistic. 

    Harry knew what his responsibilities were since he was a small child. Meghan knew full well what was involved when she married into the Royal Family. 

    I say let's see what's said in the interview. Bring it on!!

    2 AnswersPolitics2 months ago
  • What could be going on?

    Lately, I've been experiencing cold/hot sensations. Around 3pm every afternoon, I become very cold which lasts about an hr. I then start to warm up then become extremely warm quickly to the point where my face, neck & ears will become red & the skin is almost to the point of burning. This will last a half-hour or so.

    This doesn't have anything to do with menopause, or hormones. I do wonder if perhaps my thyroid is acting up or something else is going on. I don't have allergies that would cause this, & my medications aren't to blame either.

    I made my doctor aware of this, but she thought it could be a reaction to something. I think I should contact my doctor again?

    6 AnswersSkin Conditions2 months ago
  • Would drinking a little extra water really help??

    I'm a little concerned about what my best friend's doctor told her to do. Certainly, I am not a doctor, but what he suggested to her doesn't make any sense. According to her blood test, her Gfr was just a few points below the parameters. He suggested she drink a little more water. My friend is nearly 66yrs of age, & very healthy. She eats a high salt diet. I know for a fact that drinking too much water can reduce the natural salts in the blood which can be detrimental., & not drinking enough water can make those salts higher. 

    Not too long ago, she was having trouble with her feet. The same Dr. told her to buy & wear Birkenstocks. As it turned out, she had calcium deposits in her feet, & once they were eliminated, her pain was gone.

    My main question here is regarding the water.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care2 months ago
  • Can I transfer from one company to another?

    I'm not happy with the service I'm getting from my Investment company, especially at tax time when receiving tax slips. They say the slips are available in the online account, but that's not exactly true. Some are mailed. Each year I've waited for this company to send my the tax slips...they're always last. I get conflicting information from whoever I speak with. Frankly, I'm quite annoyed by it all. There are other things too, but I feel I may be better off with another company.

    How do I go about having my account transferred to another Company? This pertains to Canada. Thanks!

    2 AnswersInvesting2 months ago
  • What do you think of this?

    For quite some time now I have searched & searched for sheet music for a certain song. I have received not only a copy of the sheet music from the late Composer's son, but have been granted permission to use it. I was so excited about this, & shared it with my roommate/best friend. She mocked my excitement as though it wasn't a big deal. That hurt. It was only a week ago that her son asked her if it would be possible to do something MAYBE 4-5 years down the road. My friends boyfriend commented on this; but my bestie said "everybody's got dreams., there's no harm in dreaming", yet she saw fit to downplay my excitement/accomplishment.

    Also, a friend of mine gave me a very generous Christmas gift. I shared the information of the gift with my bestie & got.."she doesn't know you well enough to do that" (the one who gave the gift most certainly does know me.) I think my bestie's reaction was jealousy.

    I'm a little hurt. Should I keep quiet or tell her how I feel. I'm of two-minds not to share things with her anymore. What do you think of this?

    1 AnswerFriends3 months ago
  • Do I have a Service Canada account?

    Several months ago, we were able to use a link from CRA to Service Canada.

    Now the link is no longer available. My sister says that if the link would take me

    into Service Canada prior to it not working, I would have a Service Canada Account, or I wouldn't have been able to get in there She's pretty smart when it comes to computers, etc. but this is a Govt thing.. So, the question remains...

    do I have a Service Canada account?

    1 AnswerGovernment3 months ago
  • How to I find information on a possible copyright?

    I've searched & searched but cannot find if the song "Christmas Bride" is protected under copyright. I also cannot determine if it is protected by Royalty rights.

    No matter where I search, there is no information on this song. While Ray Conniff recorded the song in 1959, he did NOT write it as some sites on the 'net' have stated. It was composed by Midge Jay.

    How do I find out if this song is protected by copyright?? Thanks!!!

    4 AnswersOther - Music3 months ago
  • Why the conflicting information?

    In Canada, those returning to the country via air must submit a negative Covid test, then underto another test when arriving at the home airport. It has been said that those must quarantine for 14 days & if your planned place of quarantine is not

    acceptable, you'll have to stay at Gov't approved hotel which could cost up to$2000/per person. Then the rule said that if both Covid tests are negative, quarantine is required for 3 days, then then person can go to their own home

    (again if approved) finish out the quarantine period, report to the Govt every so often, etc.etc. Just WHY it could cost up to $2000/per person is a mystery. Hotel rooms charge by the night..not by per person. If people are permitted to share the same hotel room, the cost would be say $150/night for the ROOM, not by each person. The thought that comes to mind regarding this is that perhaps the Govt wouldn't permit persons to share the same hotel room., yet they were on holiday together, & shared the same room at their resort or whatever.. The same is true

    for roommates who travel together. What IS the restrictions, & why the conflicting information? Turdy needs to be more transparent & stop all the secrecy.

    3 AnswersOther - Canada3 months ago
  • Why do they do this?

    I've often wondered where people are just living together & not married, they

    refer to their partner as "wife" or "husband". They will sometimes refer to their partner's parents as "in-laws". I know of a person(s) who are not married, living together & they use these terms. The woman recently was recognized as a star of the week at the workplace. The description of her was that she has a husband & two lovely little girls .She does not have a husband, she has a partner.

    I guess I'm from the old school, but these terms just don't fit. 

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce3 months ago
  • Removing an anti-virus program that came with the computer.?

    I'm not all that computer savvy, but I heard that sometimes an anti-virus program that comes with a computer, needs to be removed by a computer tech. I don't know if this has changed over the years or not, but I will be installing a new Internet Security program (that contains anti-virus of course). I don't know if the anti-virus already on the computer is the type that a tech has to install or even if this was ever true. I know to go into the add/remove programs, but again, some anti-virus programs can't be removed that way.

    If anyone out there knows how to install the anti-virus program, should it be the type I've been mentioning, I'd appreciate your guidance. Thanks!

    2 AnswersSecurity3 months ago
  • Could it be the ARB is working better for me?

    I started a weight loss program a week ago. Two days ago, my Dr. switched me from an ACE Inhibitor blood pressure with diuretic included medicine to an ARB blood pressure medicine, but the diuretic is the same except it comes in a seperate tablet form.

    I've noticed that my bp readings are already down a few points. Is it possible for the ARB's to be working for me already? Thanks!

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases3 months ago
  • Does this bit really matter?

    I monitor my blood pressure fairly regularly. I have the cuff snug, but not tight, & that I can put 2 fingers into the top of the cuff, which is correct according to Mayo Clinic. What I noticed just yesterday, that the upper back part of the cuff isn't as tight as the rest. Does this really matter. A friend says not to worry about it, that

    it won't matter.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases3 months ago
  • Does she have a speech impediment?

    Sometimes I like to watch "Your All Time Hit Parade" on Friday evenings. I do enjoy the music very much & they have some talented singers on the show. One person 

    in particular I've notied is is the Ukelele lady.To be honest, I can't stand to look at

    her. There's something about the way she moves her mouth, & at times you can

    see her tongue moving in a certain way.

    Does she have a speech impediment?? For those of you who also watch, I'm sure you know what I mean.

    2 AnswersOther - Television4 months ago
  • What could be causing this?

    Around 3 to 4pm for the past 3 days, I feel very cold, & the nails on my fingers, just at those 'moons' is a bluish colour. Then as I start to warm up, I can feel my face becoming VERY warm, & then I'm flushed. The flushing is very apparent when I look in the mirror. The cheeks look as though I have a sunburn.

    What could be causing this? 

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions4 months ago