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Lv 4

Is faith belief without evidence, or is it belief based on evidence?



16 Answers

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    Faith without evidence results in belief in untruth. Faith with evidence results in belief in truth.

  • Jeremy
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    The issue as I see it is that institutions you might call "faith based" have vastly different standards for what constitutes evidence. The atheists ask for evidence that is empirical, independently verifiable, repeatable. On the other hand, theists often point to bible verses Hebrews 11:1 (KJV): “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” 

    Theists have often been taught such verses from a very young age, taught that their emotions should carry the same weight as testable, repeatable empirical evidence. They have been taught that if they can find a burning in their bosom, find comfort in what they read and have faith to be true, it is sufficient for them to think it is.    But, of course, this is an incredibly bad standard.

     There’s no position you couldn’t take on faith. Muslims have faith that their religion is true. Christians have faith theirs is true. Hindus have faith theirs is true.  

     I saw that argument a few days ago by a theist. He claimed the very fact he had faith that God existed served as evidence that God existed. So, while I don't doubt this theist had faith, I could see no evidence that an actual God was required to explain his faith.

     In fact, millions of people having faith in Hinduism, and this theist not accepting that as evidence for the Hindu gods shows a clear double standard. Theists point to trees or whatever other things as some sort of supposed creation. But, it doesn't serve as evidence as a sentient creator any more than a confluence of natural events. The things they point to may be observable, but the problem is they don't make their God unquestionably evident, and hence don't constitute evidence in any meaningful and useful definition of the word.

  • 5 months ago

    Millions of otherwise intelligent Greeks believed in the GOD known as Poseidon, because His tremendous POWER moved the tides, every day. And the PERCEIVED that as reasonable evidence, reinforcing their belief.   In like manner, many otherwise intelligent Aztecs believed in the GOD known as Quetzlcoatl, because if they butchered the hearts from enough humans, His tremendous POWER would send rain. The fact that the rain sometimes followed the butchery was PERCEIVED by them as evidence, reinforcing their belief.  In like manner, many otherwise intelligent people PERCEIVE that hings which happen are evidence, which reinforces their belief in Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, Shiva, Phuquioras, Gitchee Manitou,

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    Faith is belief without evidence.  As a general rule, people decide that they believe in some god, then they find ways to convince themselves that they made the right decision.

  • 5 months ago

    "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."  Heb. 11:1.  Which pleases God, Heb. 11:6.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    I think that most people do not understand what faith is. It is not just a choice to believe that God exists, but is a trust in God that leads a person to act. A person who trusts in the word of God will repent and follow God knowing that we are blessed and supported by doing so.

    We know that it is faith in ourselves that gets us out of bed in the morning.

    Trust or faith in God is the most important principle (other than the atonement of Christ)  taught in the bible records. Hebrews 11 gives lots of examples of miracles that occured because of faith.In the very beginning of a Christians walk, he will choose to believe in God and then seek to know Him. It is an upward spiral that includes:

    - Coming to know the attributes of God (he is kind, loving, will NEVER let anyone down who seeks Him in sincerety, etc.)

    - Sacrifice of our wills to God. This is done through repentance and striving to serve and love others as well.

    Though experience with God in our lives, we come to know with surety that He is on our side. We trust that God will do what is right for us, even if it is sometimes painful. We recognize the hand of God as He provides experiences that are for our growth.

    As our faith becomes unshakable, we know that our righteous prayers will be answerd with miracles. God hears us because we are sincere and our hearts are honest. God does not relate to dishonest, faithless hearts.In the end, it is faith that will save us as Christ applies His atoning sacrifice to our lives.

    In the bible, when it says to believe in Christ, it is in the same sense that we say that we believe in our children. Of course we know that our children exist, but we also believe that they will succeed or do the right thing.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Yes, faith is belief based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

  • GA41
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    I believe it is based on evidence, however, the evidence is not indisputable.

    "1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled[a] among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. (Luke 1: 1-4)

  • Tim
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    Would I bother to flick the switch if I did not have faith the light would turn on?  

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Faith is believing what is true.  What is true, is the King James Bible.  Nobody can be good enough to avoid hell.  So to avoid hell, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.  When a person dies, they will be in heaven or hell, and they can't get out of hell if that is where they go.  To go to heaven and not go to hell, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, without adding any of your works.  Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God and who died on the cross and shed His blood to pay for all our sins, and who resurrected from the dead.  See Romans 4:5 and 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.

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