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When Do People Just Have To Throw Everything Away Forget About Keeping It For Memories, Like Family Stuff?

When I say like family stuff, there comes a time everyone has to that kind of cleaning.

Do they throw every family photo away even through the person still around alive( like say elementary school grad photos, middle school grad photos, photos of a family member that a member of so many benevolent association and the amount of photos, family outs trips etc....) Other stuff like bank and investment statements( just to know a little bid of what was invested in), other stuff like notes or certain hospital reports and what ever else. I can list more stuff, like stuff brought over the years(clothes, jewelry, all kinds of minor stuff from trips(like flyers key card), etc...)  You get the idea. 

So how do you see, view this and how would you go about it. Would you throw what looks like 100% everything. Would you even keep a little around, that not really a lot?


Shouldn't people have some stuff kept around for family memories different areas. It the only way for history to any one of the family like father, mother and any of the siblings. It NOT famous people where their stuff out in public, their books, magazine, the internet, photos, etc... For us regular people once it gone it gone. You will not see it again, say the second trip to Vegas, middle school grad photo, etc... Those stuff are the only link to it.

1 Answer

  • 4 months ago

    Perceived self guilt.  

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