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Short and Fibromyalgia ?

Hi I’m 4 foot 7 inches tall and 30 years old. This year I found out that since I was 12 I’ve had Fibromyalgia which had always gave me a lot of pain with my spine and legs.

I understand people who are really tall have physical pain issue and those who a super small also have this problem.

My question is, should I be worried my height will add more pain problems as I get older? 

2 Answers

  • 4 months ago

    Height and body form can make people susceptible to a variety of different skeletal or muscle problems.  However, unless there's an actual physical deformity, those types of problems are usually completely manageable by stretching, exercise, and maintaining good postural habits and a normal gait. 

  • 4 months ago

    Edit: Fibromyalgia can be mixed up with Lyme disease - please consider a test...even doctors (usually) refuse.

    Elisa test is mostly negative - the Westernblot test is more reliable. 

    Right, pain usually increase with the time. I am sure you saw a bunch of incapable doctors who only gave pain killer and "advice" yoga...I could beat those idiots unstoppable. 

    Do yourself a favour and contact the Sophia health institute Dr. Klinghardt and his team.

    I tried to give advice to spoonies but they are done with every advice - they mostly prefer the hardest drugs from idiot doctors instead of start healing the body.

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