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? asked in Home & GardenMaintenance & Repairs · 4 months ago

Why does my landlord keep turning the hot water heater down? Read detailed information?

The Whole apartment complex is powered by one hot water heater and the landlord keeps turning the hot water heater down and I hope that they know it is illegal to turn down a hot water heater at an apartment complex. No tenants have had any hot water for almost a week and we cannot take any showers the water is only luke warm and that does not kill germs. What can I do.


There is someone here in the list of anwers who says I am flat out lying about my situation but that person is wrong because I have seen the landlord of the apartment complex turn the hot water heater down second this is a apartment complex with almost 70 apartments and we all share the same water heater no one has had no hot water for a week. The hot water heater runs the whole apartment complex. Yes Soap kills germs but hot water does as well. Again Landlord is breaking the law.

Update 2:

People keep saying for me to turning it back up. How can I turn it down when the Water heater is locked behind a door which no one has access too. No people in the apartment complex has access to it but the landlord and the maintenance worker. The whole apartment complex is ran off one water heater which is shared by everyone in the apartment complex. This is the first time I have ever not had hot water living here for 3 years

19 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Ask your landlord

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 months ago

    he turns it down so he doesn't have to pay out so much money to run  it 

  • garry
    Lv 6
    4 months ago

    why because the water is to hot , no more than 120 degrees or it scoulds you . hes following the law , hope your not turning it up again , are you ..

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    If it was ILLEGAL then report the "Bass Turd".

    Unfortunately, it is not illegal.  Then if you have seen him turn it down, go behind him and crank it up.  Seems obvious.  Or report him to the  people who can hurt him. "I don't know which office in your town cause I am on a different planet, FFS.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 months ago

    What size is this water heater an how many apartments are in this complex?  You in the U.S.?

    If its actually  hooked up this way then you have not hot water because  1 house with 4 people can use all the hot water easily.  So a whole apartment complex would use it in a matter of minutes. 

  • 4 months ago

    Water isn't what kills germs--it's the soap. You can wash or bathe in cold water and as long as you use plenty of soap, your germs will die. That's not a valid reason for high water temperature. But comfort is. 

    He's doing this to save money. You can get all the tenants together and refuse to pay him rent until he turns it up and leaves it up, IF that is legal to do in your state. (CHECK FIRST!!)  You would have to set up an escrow account to pay the rents into--you can't just NOT pay them. But the landlord won't get the money until he complies. IF the law is on your side here. 

    You can see an attorney to write the landlord a letter asking that he turn up the hot water temperature and set up that escrow account. 

    Or you can simply ALL get together and visit the landlord as a group, and tell him you will see a lawyer if he doesn't turn it up.  If he has a supervisor, you can call or write them and report it.  

    You can't be evicted for complaining--so COMPLAIN. And if you know the law that says what he's doing is illegal (which I don't think it is), you can quote that law to the landlord and let him know you'll sue him if he keeps doing it. 

  • 4 months ago

    look for a tenant's rights organization in your city.  also check to see if your city has a building inspector ... landlords get very accommodating very fast if faced with a "No Occupancy" order.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    maybe you should turn him in for that

  • 4 months ago

    You can start by not FLAT OUT LYING about being old enough to have an apartment.

    Then you can learn that if multiple units share the same water heater, the landlord wouldn't have to 'keep turning the water heater down', because no one else would have access to turn it up.

    Finally, you can learn that sharing a water heater most likely means if YOU are not getting hot water, it is because the other tenants used up the hot water before you tried.

  • 4 months ago

    For starters, hot water in the shower is not what kills germs, SOAP kills germs. Do your friends, family, and coworkers a favor and use soap.

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