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What do you think I have from the way I described my symptoms? ?

Can razor burn have pain that comes and goes throughout the day with a stinging sensation? I shave my pubic area.  I can't stand hair down there at all even though it keeps down infection which I leave a bit of hair above my clitoris in that upside down V part. 

I also been taking antibiotics for my sinuses back in December, End of November. I am just wondering if I have a yeast infection. Doctors these days is hard to make a appointment with this covid-19 and rules you have to follow. I really don't know what to do at this point but make an doctor appointment that I probably have to wait forever to get. Anything over the counter help like those azo yeast? Not really sure what I have but I don't have any odor or any discharge at all nor I don't itch. it's between yeast infection or razor burn or even bacterial vaginosis that I do have medicine for. Help please ladies!!

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