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Why do you complain it never happened and why do you deny being a report monkey..?


NG, you would sh!t yourself if someone rang your doorbell at 3 in the morning. Sorry about that, NG is a keyboard only warrior. Strange how you regret it immediately after you try to have a dig at me, Sol, isn't it? You filthy paedo

Update 2:

Ranting and not answering. Reported.

Update 3:

It must be some other Anonymous woof I blocked.

Update 4:

which one of the Anonymous report monkeys is NG, or maybe both

3 Answers

  • 3 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why don't you invite M back EG? You must have her email. Afraid that she won't back your bullshite? Realised that she was only ever using you?

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    unintelligible, chat and call-out


  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Ranting and insulting other users. Reported.

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