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If an impeachment trial should not be held because Trump is no longer president, should it be postponed and held if he is ever re-elected?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    He was president when he was impeached. It is time the Trial was held to decide one way or another.

    What are Republicans so afraid of.

  • 3 months ago

    No.  It should go to law enforcement like it does with everyone else.  Impeachment is specifically to remove them from office if they do something criminal while in office.  After they are out then it goes to law enforcement for criminal prosecution.

    But you know they won't play stupid games.  They would never get a conviction because he didn't actually say what you claim.

  • 3 months ago

    False premise. While a president has never been tried after leaving office, a secretary of war was once impeached and tried.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 months ago

    Hillary wasn't secretary of state but 45 still wanted to go after her for her emails. The hypocrisy is amazing.

  • Jeff D
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    That would make more sense than having a Senate trial for a private citizen.

    In the meantime, he can be charged and prosecuted in the courts as a private citizen--just like anyone else.  Of course, I think Democrats know their charges won't stand up in a real court of law which is why they desperately want Trump tried by the Senate.

  • 3 months ago

    trump will be aquitted for the 2nd time.......LOL

  • 3 months ago

    That's kinda the Pelosi swamp point. Keep orange man bad in the minds of voters in case he runs in 2024. I hope the level of stupidity doesn't exist in the minds of lefty lovers as it exists now.

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