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Trump is unhappy with his legal team. Are they having a hard time lying for him? What if they quit in the middle of the trial?

3 Answers

  • Mark
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    Of course he is.  As usual, he thinks that he is a better defense lawyer than his team of professionals.  His ego knows no bounds.

    @Justin - Being a businessman has no bearing on being a lawyer.  I do not tell my doctor how to diagnose me because I am an engineer.As for IRS investigations - that is normal in all big business especially when there are questionable deductions and it raises a flag.  He skirts the edge of legality in business and it draws attention.

    Trump and his followers are a bunch of snowflakes who think that he is being picked on when he is just being treated like everybody else.  Pitiful.

  • Justin
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    40 years of legitimate business, four years as President, constant 'investigations' throughout all this time including fifteen straight years 'audited' by the IRS, ZERO indictments, let alone convictions.

    This is called 'persecution.'

    Democrat rage?


  • 2 months ago

    They actually asked him to guarantee their pay. Silly them, huh? 

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