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President Biden buys 200 million additional vaccine doses. Why does this man care so much about his people?

7 Answers

  • Sky
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Maybe because he isn't a narcissistic sociopath.

  • 2 months ago

    Awesome job Mr. President.... Congratulations.... He made sure those doses went straight to the USA and not some 3rd world country where they are desperately needed. Biden will always chose White America over the lower races anytime. He's an Old School Democrat. They wear their racism on their sleeve. 

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    He is on track to exceed his goal of 100 million vaccines given in 100 days by 50%.

    This is what competent leadership can achieve. 

    He makes Trump look like the moron he always was. 

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Whose money did he use to buy this vaccine?

    Without Trump, there would be no vaccine.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Yeah, like SloJoe Biden has ever spent a dime of his own money.  You understand that as a tax payer, your (or for snowflakes your mommy's) tax money pays for all the stuff SloJoe wants you to think he provides, right?  

  • 2 months ago

    Hopefully you realize that Trump spend billions of dollars and relaxed many regulations to allow companies to develop the vaccine that Biden is wow distributing.  It was not available until mid December, at which point Trump did authorize million of doses for those at high risk.  But he was not able to continue to buy, them as they became available, because he was removed from office on January 20th.  

    Bien is not doing anything that Trump had not already been doing - supply as much of the vaccine as was available for free.  Biden just gets to do after January 20th because Trump is no longer in office.  Biden would not be able to do this if Trump had not spearheaded Project Warpspeed which lead to the creation of the vaccine.

  • Steve
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    Biden announced on Thursday that the U.S. had secured contractual commitments from Moderna and Pfizer to deliver the 600 million doses of vaccine by the end of July — more than a month earlier than initially anticipated.

    This is a good thing. 

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