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What is the best make-up palette for a surprise gift?

So me and my girlfriend weren't able to celebrate Valentine's day this past weekend due to a winter storm coming out of nowhere. The storm is supposed to pass this Friday, so we moved our plans to Saturday. So far, I've gotten us tickets to go to the city's aquarium, taking her to a nice Tex-Mex restaurant (her favorite food), but I can't decide on a gift. She is an aspiring make-up artist, so figured I'd get her a palette. She like's to do her make-up with lots of color like green, pink, etc. and likes glittery stuff. She buys the cheap one's a lot of the time so I want to get her a really nice one. I guess my budget would be $100 (not sure how much a lot of them go for). If you have any other suggestions to go along with the palette, that'd be greatly appreciated :) Thanks for reading

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