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My bisexual gf has never been sexual with men, but its so hard to accept dating a bisexual, It brings insecurities & its hard to be at peace?

I love her but going out in public and seeing men checking her out sometimes makes it so hard to not get upset about it, am i wrong for wanting to break up?

2 Answers

  • 2 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    I said most of what I wanted to say in my other answer. I just want to add one thing. Namely that men checking her out..? Is not in ANY way her fault! And it would be really, insanely unfair to break up with her over OTHER people's actions, that she can in no way control!

    You sound sickly jealous, and like you've got massive self-esteem issues and control issues. Which, perhaps you're aware of that. But this stuff is really NOT healthy, and NOT normal! If I were you..? I would try to get some help for it! Maybe in therapy! Plus I would try to recognize, as much as possible, that this was MY problem! And not my girlfriend's! Hence it would be extremely unfair to punish her for it! In fact..? I think you should be grateful that she still sticks with you, in spite of these issues! I don't think I would have managed to be in a relationship with someone who was so jealous and possessive, myself. Not to insult you, in any way! I'm sure there's a reason why you are the way you are! Perhaps you've been deeply hurt by someone in the past! BUT..? That still doesn't make this sh*t any easier for a prospective partner to deal with! And it doesn't make it fair for you to take it out on them, as if it's in some way THEIR fault! (It's not. It's all on you.)

  • 2 months ago

    its not wrong if you really dont wanna date her but if its just insecurity then just talk to her and try to work it out if you really like her 

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