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? asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 2 months ago

Dr. Seuss books deemed racial ?

Give me a break, this will never end . Should we delete all of America's past because someone's feelings may be hurt ???

9 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    I think they are taking some out of print because they are out of date - not necessarily racist per se.  I couldn't see anything racist in "Horton and the kwuggerbug."  Now, in one book there was a picture of a Chinese man in old-fashioned clothes, eating with sticks.  Well, I think when the book was written, that was how Chinese people still dressed.  Mao Zedong insisted they wear western-style clothing, as well as causing millions to starve to death.  But Chinese people still eat with sticks. Explaining the history of Chinese clothing goes beyond the scope of a preschool book.  

    Actually, few books, and maybe fewer children's books, have stayed in print as long as Dr. Seuss's books have.  It is amazing how well they have lasted.

  • 2 months ago

    People living on any street named Mulberry are superior/inferior to people living on streets named Strawberry?  Or is the complaint that in the end there was nothing to see on Mulberry Street but a horse and a wagon?  Whoever came up with this nonsense is not the Who Horton would have wanted to see, and neither do I

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Only to Racist Bigots Enid Blyton was fun who cares if Bill and Ben were Gay

  • Daisy
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    Only 6 of Dr. Seuss' many books were pulled from printing.  His estate asked for this.

    Dr. Seuss' books give lessons about character, patience, acceptance and love.  These few books -- written decades ago-- demonstrate outmoded thinking.  Children are impressionable.   They believe what they see on tv or read in books as real and truthful.  So, those books were pulled.   The rest of Dr. Seuss' books remain in bookstores and libraries.   

  • Herve
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    If people are looking to be offended to validate their feelings of inadequacy, they will find something.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    everything is offensive and ''racial'' now, i'm sick of it.

  • 2 months ago

    and just who the hell was he racist against?   Whoville? 

    Green Eggs and Ham? 

    Cats, in Hats?  what? 

  • Marli
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

     We must remember history. We must study history. We must not enshrine history and we must not perpetuate the wrong done in the past.

    The contested books were written for small children who are learning about the world. Children are impressionable information mavens. They take in and absorb everything, including prejudices. They will think, "If someone does not look like me, and the book says they look silly or bad, then they must be silly or bad and I must not be polite to them. Why must I not like them? Because they are not like me, and children in the books who look like me laugh at them or fight them."

    So, in order to live together peaceably today and in the future, we should put books written in the past that have been hurtful into the part of the library where the past and its propaganda and prejudices are studied. Dr. Seuss drew advertising cartoons (I should say Mr Geisel here, since the cartoons were not for children.) And during World War Two he drew cartoons for war propaganda. Caricatures of Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito, and their countrymen, that were insulting. War propaganda is supposed to make those who are exposed to it hate the enemy by the use of ugliness and appealing to prejudices. The Nazis used the same sort of cartoons to make Jews seem inhuman and evil - in children's books too. Perhaps his work conditioned him to see stereotypes as the right and proper way to communicate the message. Perhaps he did not entirely renounce his own prejudices, or see them as prejudices, until long after the war ended. One does not notice or want to tear out what is ingrained in ones self. And what he drew in 1937 he might not have drawn in 1987.

  • chorle
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    IThey are not buying the old books back they are still likely in your local library and will likely be on Project Gutenberg when the copyright runs out.

    I was surprised that the guy who wrote "The Sneetches" would have been considered to have done something racist. When I discussed this with my non white son he told me he noticed and not to forget that Seuss did do anti Japan propaganda as part of the war effort in WW2.

    I have a feeling there will be new versions with different or at least modified illustrations in the future.

    Actually from documentaries I have seen about the man , I suspect  he likely would have been in favor of the change. 

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