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Poll: What is your dream country / state / city?

My dream locations:

Italy - A beautiful country I wanna visit

Canada - I would love to move here because Its another English speaking country.

Los Angeles - Its a very beautiful city I might move to

Las Vegas - Seems like a very fun place!

South Dakota - where I mainly plan on moving because of how peaceful it is

France - They eat a lot of pastries which I love

3 Answers

  • 1 month ago
    Favorite Answer

    My dream locations:

    Germany - I was there as a kid when my dad got stationed at Wiesbaden airbase, they have a beautiful countryside near the airbase, and I enjoyed the history ads on AFN

    Maine - we went and camped at Acadia after I graduated from high school. We went up Cadillac mountain in the wee hours of the morning to see the sunrise, beautiful landscape and scenery of mountains and rivers

    Italy - we camped at camp Darby and there was this Italian restaurant on the Riviera by the ocean called the Cliff. If I were rich I would get a condo in that area and watch the sunset

    London - it had everything from the Underground subway to Harrod’s 

    Hawaii - peaceful and beautiful

    France - best bread and the beautiful coast of Normandy

    Georgia - I lived there all my life and It has a beautiful coastline

    Wales - love to visit, that is where my ancestors came from

    Norway and Sweden

    Scotland and ireland

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Where I love now, Tuscany in Italy.

  • 1 month ago

    Sweden, Switzerland and pretty much most of Europe. Japan- the only Asian country that looks appealing to me.

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