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Fun Fact Question about Marriage Couple?

The title is Married Couple. So the question is John is the main character, Sarah is the girlfriend. John and Sarah get married and John is going on a ship to another location. The ship sinks and John survives for 6 years and Sarah is married to a new husband named Fred. Who does Sarah stay with, Husband 1 or Husband 2? If she stays with one of the husbands, does this mean the other husband become an ex? If your answer is YES why would this husband become an ex if he did not do anything wrong to Sarah? Does she have to sign the divorce papers to return to John? Which is the best way to solve this and why?


How does this work let me know ?

Update 2:

Okay, so yes I do not understand what X means that's why I am asking, but how is 2 people still married and if one has to go that same person is still married, it makes it sound like that person does not exist, that doesn't make any sense, cause it supposed to mean that they stay together forever, not marry a person for nothing? And yes [i + i] I found this from Cast Away, I just want to know how this goes? I thought it was supposed to be together forever. (I'll wait for more answers.)

Update 3:

Hmm .. I wonder what the divorced guy would do about the marriage part maybe leave it ?

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Sarah probably would have had to have John declared legally deceased, making her a widow rather than a divorcee. But whether she divorces Fred to go back to John would be up to Sarah. Yes, she'd have to divorce Fred to remarry John once John reestablishes his identity as a living person. Or perhaps she'd be like Helen Hunt in 'Castaway' and just stay with the new guy. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    divorce the first dude, nothing wrong but he disappeared for 6 years. 

  • 2 months ago

    In castaway Tom Hanks wasn't married to Helen Hunt, but if he was, per your question, Tom would still be married to Helen and Chris Noth's marriage to Helen Hunt would be voided because you can't be married to two people at the same time (in USA).  Would Helen Hunt stay with Tom?  Probably not since she has emotionally moved on from him and fallen in love with Chris (whom is also the father of her children).  Thus Tom would be like any other dead man coming back to life after 6 years, trying to find their place in a world that has moved on.

  • d j
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    In this case, no one has done anything wrong. Whatever happened was not planned or premeditated. 

    It's just unfortunate.

    Three of them can get together and work it out among themselves. They can go with something that best suits the situation.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    How is any of this fun? In any event, John can be declared legally dead after 2 years without contact. John's reappearance would not in any way alter her marriage to Fred, so, from there, its entirely up to Sarah whether she wishes to remain married to Fred, or divorce him and remarry John, but her divorce to Fred would require the same equitable division of assets as if the divorce was motivated by meeting someone new

  • i + i
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Your scenario is the plot of 'Cast Away'.

    Sarah could not have married Fred without 

    some kind of legal declaration regarding John 

    (she would have had to have John declared 

    dead in order to be able to marry Fred). John 

    at that point is already an ex, regardless of his 

    later showing back up. It has absolutely nothing 

    to do with his doing "anything wrong" to Sarah 

    (you seem to be confused about what being an 

    'ex' means). If she chooses to return to John, 

    she will have to divorce Fred (so Fred becomes 

    an ex). If instead she chooses to stay with Fred, 

    John was already an ex. The solution to all this 

    is entirely up to the three of them to figure out -- 

    there is no "best way", as clearly one or more 

    of them will most likely be quite hurt by the 

    decision, whatever it is.

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