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Will my Echo dot speaker work? ?

So I live in student housing and we have our own wifi access. 

We have two, our own wifi for the apartment and we have a guest login.

I bought it and forgot about this due to last year my roommate was having issues connecting his google speaker. 

It’s not the college WiFi, since I live off campus and it’s not their internet I’m using. 

Anyways do you guys think I will have the same problem? 

I can call the internet service provider too 

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    It should work. Then again, the Google device should have worked as well. If you didn't troubleshoot why the other Google device didn't work, you can't guarantee that the Echo Dot won't have the same problem.

    For the best chance of it working, you should make sure that the network you are connecting to uses WPA2-Personal or WPA3-Personal. WPA2-Enterprise and WPA3-Enterprise require an Alexa for Business subscription and control of the router. You also should avoid using it with the "guest login." The technical term for this is "captive portal." The app used to set up the Dot should support captive portals, but it doesn't always detect them properly.


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