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In Mental Health on Yahoo, who do so many people whine and complain that they aren't "getting enough" from MH providers?

They complain and whine about the fact that they are in a program they have to work hard in.  But they want hospitalization, time from psychiatrists and psychologists and they have all ready had this and been referred to a program.

Do they pay for their care out of pocket or through insurance?

People have to go to work every day to support themselves, be self-sufficient, independent and responsible for themselves without anyone holding their hand.  And these people are grateful for the guidance from their doctors and health professionals.

Should noncompliant patients on the public dole be made to do community service  work for the services they get?  Do you think they would whine less and work more?  Do you think they would value the help?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only way a person is going to journey through the process of recovery from mental illness issues is to do the WORK it takes..... therapists and psychiatrists are only tool for improvement.  It's up to the patient to make the best possible recovery he or she can.  

    I think it would depend upon the insurance plan a person has whether it pays for mental health care or not.  

  • 2 weeks ago

    Why do people like you choose to SPAM & rant on Yahoo? reported for spamming & ranting. "And these people are grateful for the guidance from their doctors and health professionals", Those healthcare workers are SUPPOSED to help others & guide people, it's their JOB. You sound very inconsiderate, nasty, & unprofessional. Don't ever work in a healthcare setting, you're not cut out for it. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    Judy for someone who claims to work in mental health you really are insensitive 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Actually those posts are all posted by one troll user. The same person. But i agree with you that non-compliant people should have to work for stuff.

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  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Unfortunately, pills that are so frequently prescribed often aren't the magic cure all that people want them to be. Being mentally healthy also takes a willingness to do a lot of inner self work, too, and many people, esp if they are mentally unwell, just don't want to put in that effort or don't feel like they can. (And those who love a good victim mentality probably don't really even want to.)

    Some may have something wrong enough with them that they legitimately can not. Others, imo, need counseling that will guide them on that path and the actions they need to take, both inner and outer, to find their way out of that dark place.

    Though I'm not sure if anyone needs a "punishment" for not putting in the effort. Their own misery they sit in and refuse to work past already is that punishment. People have two choices... they can either be miserable or put in the work to get out of it. When dealing with that, some aids, like meds, may help, but nothing and no one can magically fix it but yourself if you aren't willing to try.

    Obviously, some hate what I have to say, but they are probably choosing to sit in that misery rather than try to climb their a**es out. I'd feel sad for them that they feel they can't, but if someone isn't willing to make the effort and is just waiting for someone else to do it for them, then tough luck, it will never work because it doesn't work that way. Fact of life: no one can save you from that but you. Other people can not fix it.

    And no, I'm not just speaking out of my a**. I say this as someone who used to deal with anxiety attacks and depression. Nothing got me out of it except ME and taking back control from those inner demons. You have to become your own warrior to fight those things, even if it requires assistance, via therapy or meds, to help gear you up.

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