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? asked in PetsDogs · 2 weeks ago

Would a poodle make a good pet?

18 Answers

  • 1 week ago

    They can be provided that your lifestyle is right for one. 

    If someone is thinking about a dog, it's important to match the dog's breed to your lifestyle, i.e.:-

    -  how much exercise you can give them (poodles do need some exercise, but are not as active as very active breeds like border collies, dalmatians and Rhodesian Ridgebacks). They also sometimes enjoy being able to run off lead as well.

    - how much time you can dedicate to training them. Poodles are the second cleverest breed of dog there is (only behind the Border Collie). They need lots of mental stimulation, otherwise they may get up to monkey business as a result of boredom.

    - how much time you can dedicate to grooming them, or how much you can spend on groomer's bills. They need to have their fur trimmed about every 4 to 8 weeks, so you need to either learn to do it yourself, or hire a groomer which can be expensive.

    - how much money you can spend on vet's bills, as poodles can have several health problems as a breed. These include:-

    O eye problems like runny eyes, cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy (this may cause blindness)

    O skin problems, possibly due to unskilled use of clippers during grooming

    O hip dysplacia (in standard poodles)

    O Von Willebrand's Disease (in standard poodles. This is where they lack certain clotting factors in the blood, meaning that blood won't clot at the site of a wound properly, and can possibly result in exsaguination.)

    O bloating (in standard poodles)

    O luxating patella (in toy poodles). This is when the kneecap bones skid about instead of staying in place as they should.

    O diabetes (in toy poodles)

    O epilepsy (in toy poodles)

    O heart problems/disorders (in toy poodles)

    O ear infections

    O digestive problems 

    Which type of household the dog is going to be living in. Pretty much any dog can live in an apartment provided they get enough exercise. Toy poodles can be good in a flat, but standard poodles are better in a house with a decent sized garden.

    How much you can afford to spend on their food. Having digestive problems can mean they may be best on a special diet which can be expensive, Buying a 15kg bag of this food can cost over £50 at a time.

    If there are other dogs or other animals e.g. cats in the home. Poodles generally are good both with other dogs and other animals.

    If there are children living in the home or visiting regularly. Standard poodles are excellent with children, but toy poodles tend to generally be better with older children i.e. 10 and above.

    Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    I have a maltipoo (maltese-poodle) and he makes a good pet, even if he is bad!

  • 2 weeks ago

    honestly poodles are very smart and about them they are easy to be train and easy to train to do many tricks and they get along with children if the dog were grown up in good family. they dont need to get groom every day but better to brush and comb the coat because the poodle coats gets very knotting when not being care for and they dont get aggressive toward other small animals but they are used to be train some outdoor activites such as performing dog, such as show dogs  use in the circus ,and very intelligent and sensitive pet. they makes an excellent watchdog,and for a relatively small breed can put on an impressive display of fierceness.  they come in different sizes like toy poodle , miniature poodle and standard poodle. they not hard to train for potty train . come in different colors such black ,brown,white, cream tan, dark chocolate , or apricot and grey color , sometimes can be combine mix colors too.  i use to had 4 of them when i was growning up . ps. they need to have plenty of exericse . 

    miniature poodle - height 11-15 inch and weight about 15-17 lbs and life span is 12-15 years. they original came from France

    Toy poodle- height is 10-11 inch and weight about 6-13 lbs and life span is 12- 15 years .origal came from also France

    standard poodle - height is 15-30 inch and weight about 45-77 lbs and life span is 12-14 years. origal from germany . also train to be a gun dog for hunt and caught  birds and duckies .more use for as water dog. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    Depends. Have rough children? Absolutely NOT. Big house with fenced in yard? Yes! Have nice children! Of COURSE! Big enough house? YES!!!!

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  • 2 weeks ago

     not imho....................

  • 2 weeks ago

    It depends on who the pet is for. They may not the best pet for your chimpanzee, but millions of them are great pets for humans.

    I think they're more of ladies pet, if there is such thing as a lady anymore.

    They're great with kids, and love to be cuddled and pampered.

    Personally, If you see Santa, tell him I want something a little bigger, like a Jack Russel Terrier or an Australian Sheppard.

    Attachment image
  • 2 weeks ago

    Now this is just a dumb question.  They are the second most intelligent dog breed. So of course they would make a good pet.  Thousands upon thousands are good pets now.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    They can be for the right owner. Poodles (all 3 recognized sizes) are very active and intelligent, so if you like the idea of twice daily exercise (35-60 mins each time) and challenging them with training and other mentally stimulating activities on a regular basis then sure. You do have to pay attention to grooming though as they will need regular clipping and If you'd like a specific Poodle style cut then thats also even more trips to a professional groomer. Reputable breeders will apparently show you how to groom your poodle.

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Depends on the owner, if they are prepared to clip every 6-8 weeks are an active person and like with any other dog are prepared to train/socilaise daily

  • Mark
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    They are very smart athletic dogs, and require stimulation to keep from getting bored.

    Many people, when they think poodle, think of the smaller breeds, not a standard poodle, which tends to be a taller mid sized dog.  Apparently they are also good waterfowl retrievers.

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