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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetHardwareOther - Hardware · 2 weeks ago

Is it worth my while to read and learn about FPGA's if I don't actually use/work with them on a day to day basis ?

FPGA's (Field Programmable Gate Arrays)

I've always wanted to learn about this but didn't know where to begin and where to look.

I recall visiting a library as a visitor at some university where they had an entire three isles dedicated just to Digital electronics and I felt like a little kid in a candy store.. I had over a dozen books open and was trying real hard to absorb as much information as I could, though much of it was way over my head.

the agony of not being allowed to take any books out on loan due to not being a member was soul crushing.

you cannot buy these books they're exclusive to institutions and written by diehard specialists of this field.

Do I need to be referring to these types of materials to learn about FPGA's or can I educate myself on this subject online instead i.e wiki ?

1 Answer

  • 2 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    it is if you want to

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