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Kidney results 25bun and 1.20 Creatine?

I run a lot. 32m I had a good hr run. Gone home and had a hot bath and started to get a horrible stomach pain that I thought maybe it's more serious but nothing came up and they told me my kidney blood tests are a bit off. I haven't been drinking that much water so how do I get it back down and they want me to see my family doctor tomorrow so I'm not sure if she will re do it when it's been just less then 24 hours 

1 Answer

  • 2 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should always be properly hydrated when tested and not dehydrated. Dehydration pushes numbers up. What about your sodium? Is it also on the high end? How is your sugar level and blood pressure?

    Dehydration can impact BUN more so then creatinine as it's called prerenal azotemia. The BUN in the urine is more easily reabsorbed in the kidney with dehydration compared to the creatinine which is less actively reabsorbed. Another reason for a high BUN to creatinine ratio is bleeding in your digestive system. 

    The differential diagnosis involves a high BUN to creatinine ratio. 

    You should make sure you are fully hydrated. 

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