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James asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 1 month ago

Did Hitler affect schools and parks and recreation?

Were all the schools and sports and everything like that open and going on during Hitler's reign? I'm sure they all were

5 Answers

  • Tina
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    No. Jewish children were humuliated in schools, then banned from them in 1938. Jewish teachers were sacked.

    For the non-Jewish children:

    "Boys mostly studied history, eugenics and PE. Boxing was compulsory. Girls primarily studied home economics, eugenics and PE."

    Only 11% of University places went to girls.

    Membership of the Hitler Youth became compulsory.

    "There were different activities for boys and girls. Boys fired guns and marched, while girls learnt how to look after a family, but all undertook fitness and indoctrination classes."

    And public parks - they had notices outside saying: "No Dogs. No Jews."

    What did you expect?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Hitler placed a great deal of emphasis on physical sport and recreation.  He was a bit of a health fanatic himself, and didn't see why everybody else shouldn't be too.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Do as you are told and don't stick your nose in things that aren't any of your business!

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    They had to teach Hitlers doctrines 

  • 1 month ago

    Scouting was banned every child had to Join the Hitler Youth

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